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NVIDIA ResearchFCam library installationPrevious: Getting started with FCam Prerequisites
This is a list of components you will need to get started with FCam on your Tegra Prototype:
To install FCam on a Linux machine, follow the installation steps as outlined below. The TADP installation on a Windows platform includes Cygwin. Cygwin provides a bash shell and other Unix like utilities. When following the installation steps, open a Cygwin shell (Start -> NVIDIA Corporation -> Tegra Android Developer Pack -> Cygwin) and execute the commands provided in the instructions. When specifying paths, use forward slashes and prefix the directories with /cygdrive/c if not a subtree of your home directory. For example, instead of export VAR=c:\users\paul\workspace use export VAR=/cygdrive/c/users/paul/workspace/ In addition, Windows requires an Android Device Bridge USB driver to connect to the prototype board. After you have installed the TADP, plug in the prototype board to your development computer using the provided usb cable. Windows will try to install a driver and fail to find one. Go to the Windows Device Manager (Computer -> Properties -> Device Manager) , find the device marked with an exclamation point, and right click on it. Select Properties, go to the Driver tab, and click on Update Driver. Choose 'Browse my computer" and navigate to the TDAP installation directory NVPACK/android-sdk-windows/google-usb_driver. The driver should now be installed. If you need to flash a new system image, follow the instructions in the FAQ page. Installation steps
cd YOUR_WORK_DIRECTORY // e.g., cd /Users/myhome/work
Next: How to build the FCameraPro app?