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Quadro Desktop/Quadro Notebook Driver Release 390

Version: R390 U12 (392.58)  WHQL
Release Date: 2019.11.14
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Language: English (US)
File Size: 325.25 MB

Release Highlights
Supported products
Additional information
Release 390 is an 'Optimal Drivers for Enterprise'(ODE) branch release. ODE branches are designed and tested to provide long-term stability and availability for ISV certification, OEMs, and Enterprise customers.

What’s New in Version R390 U12

Windows 10 Open Issues in Version R390 U12
  • [Assimilate Scratch]: The application may crash due to a kernel exception in the NVIDIA OpenGL driver. See “Open Issues in Version 391.89” on page 18 of Release Notes for more details.
  • [Quadro M6000][Quadro Sync]: Unexpected flashing may appear on the display connected to the second GPU.
    Please consult your NVIDIA support team for details on resolving this behavior.
  • [Multi-GPU Mosaic][Quadro Sync]: Application corruption and possible blue-screen crash occurs when enabling WARP while Mosaic and Quadro Sync are enabled.
