To make your 3D application run faster

  1. From the NVIDIA Control Panel navigation tree pane, under 3D Settings, select Adjust image settings with preview to open the associated page.

    The options on the page enable you to change the image and rendering settings of your 3D applications that utilize Direct3D and OpenGL technology.

  2. Select the option Use my preference emphasizing: <selected slider setting>

  1. Move the slider towards the Performance setting to increase the frame rate for faster application performance.

    Note: Setting the slider all the way to Performance will give you the best performance (i.e., your application will run fastest) but at some expense to image quality. The further right you move your slider (towards the Quality setting), the lower the performance of your application while the image quality improves.

  2. As you move the slider, you can preview the appearance of the image in the Performance and Quality preview windows on the left side of the page.

  3. If you want, you can click the Pause button to pause the animation in the Preview window. The button changes to Play, which you can click any time to resume playing the animation.


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