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NVIDIA GameWorks Newsletter October 2014
In this month’s Issue
  • NVIDIA GameWorks News
    • Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
    • Enabling Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag with Advanced Particle Effects
    • New Games with NVIDIA GameWorks technology
    • NVIDIA Turf Effects
    • GPU Gems is back online in pristine Condition
    • Android Lollipop and Nexus 9 launch, officially unveiling NVIDIA Tegra K1 64 bit
    • Transparency (or Translucency) Rendering
  • NVIDIA GameWorks Release Update
    • NVIDIA and IncrediBuild Accelerate Android Game Development
    • NVIDIA ShadowWorks HBAO+ 2.3 Released
    • NVIDIA PerfKit Updated!
  • About NVIDIA GameWorks

NVIDIA GameWorks News


Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Borderlands2 already took advantage of PhysX effects for effects including particles and cloth. The Pre-Sequel adds laser impacts and ice explosions in the frigid low gravity environment of the moon as well as supporting 4K Ultra High Resolution. The game was released on October 14th.
Check out the developer interview with Gearbox talking about PhysX particle systems and fluid simulations in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.  Or read more about the effects here.

Enabling Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag with Advanced Particle Effects

In this article Dmitry Duka, engineering manager of the NVIDIA GameWorks team in Moscow outlines the steps taken to implement interactive smoke in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag from Ubisoft. The game is set in the smokey age of black powder. With NVIDIA Turbulence and Particles, players can literally walk through the gun smoke.

This game also uses a slew of NVIDIA GameWorks technologies including:
To read the article click here.

NVIDIA Turf Effects

NVIDIA Turf Effects empowers users to simulate and render massive grass simulations with physical interaction. Our grass technology provides a fully geometrical representation. Grass blades can be represented with a resolution as low as 3 triangles to several 100 triangles per blade using continuous level of detail. The rendering supports natural shading with correct shadows from the individual blades of grass as well as self-shadows, two sided lighting and correct occlusion for scene geometry. In addition the simulation supports interaction with highly complex shapes, which permits totally new kinds of gameplay.

Check it out here.

GPU Gems is back online in pristine Condition

GPU Gems 1,2 and 3 and now back online and easily viewable from one location here.  Although the first book is now over 10 years old, the techniques outlined are still relevant today, especially with respect to mobile, where developers need to learn about programmable shading pipelines.  We have cleaned up the existing online versions and put them all in one place.  Please enjoy.

Android Lollipop and Nexus 9 launch, officially unveiling NVIDIA Tegra K1 64 bit

Google posted a blog last Wednesday to unveil Android version 5.0 (named Lollipop) and a suite of new Nexus products. Leading the Lollipop charge is the Nexus 9 tablet powered by the NVIDIA Tegra K1 64 bit mobile processor. The Nexus 9 ushers in a host of next generation features including ARMv8-A for the first time on Android and OpenGL ES 3.1 with AEP for the first time on a Nexus device. The performance of both the dual-core 64 bit CPU and the 192 CUDA core NVIDIA Kepler GPU in the Nexus 9 give developers unparalleled performance in a mobile device.  Find out more here.

Transparency (or Translucency) Rendering

Like many other visual effects, games attempt to mimic transparent (or translucent as it's often synonymously referred to in the games industry) objects as closely as possible. Real world transparent objects are often modelled in games using a simple set of equations and rules; simplifications are made, and laws of physics are bent, in an attempt to reduce the cost of simulating such a complex phenomenon. Alex Dunn and Louis Bavoil discuss the basics and propose some alternatives/optimizations which should be of use to anyone developing games here.

NVIDIA GameWorks Release Updates


NVIDIA and IncrediBuild Accelerate Android Game Development

For the latest version of IncrediBuild 5.5, NVIDIA worked closely with IncrediBuild to add compatibility for our Microsoft Visual Studio integrated Android build and debug environment, NVIDIA Nsight Tegra, Visual Studio Edition. With Nsight Tegra, Visual Studio Edition and IncrediBuild, software engineers can further accelerate their Android application development by dramatically shortening build times and increasing iteration rates.
  • Download the latest version of Nsight Tegra Visual Studio Edition here.
  • Learn more here.

NVIDIA ShadowWorks HBAO+ 2.3 Released

Latest HBAO+ Release 2.3. windows binaries are now available from here. NVIDIA ShadowWorks - HBAO+ improves upon existing Ambient Occlusion techniques to add richer, more detailed, more realistic shadows around objects that occlude rays of light. Compared to previous techniques, HBAO+ is faster, more efficient, and significantly better.

NVIDIA PerfKit Updated!

NVIDIA PerfKit is a comprehensive suite of performance tools to help debug and profile OpenGL and Direct3D applications. The latest 4.1 release corresponds to the latest Nsight Visual Studio Edition 4.1 release and adds support for all-new NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970. PerfKit gives you access to low-level performance counters inside the driver and hardware counters inside the GPU itself. The counters can be used to determine exactly how your application is using the GPU, identify performance issues, and confirm that performance problems have been resolved.

Learn more here.

About NVIDIA GameWorks

NVIDIA GameWorks™ represents NVIDIA's investment in real-time graphics and simulation for games. Over 300 hundred engineers work on a combination of development tools, sample code and advanced libraries enabling developers to create the best performing games ever. We provide these along with support through our web portal and developer forums.

Our debugging, profiling and optimization tools are among the best in the industry for both Desktop and Android. Technologies like PhysX and VisuaFX are easy to integrate into games and provide the features that will amaze and delight gamers. We also provide training and deliver cutting edge presentations at world class venues like GDC and Siggraph throughout the year helping developers exploit the latest techniques for game development.


Many NVIDIA GameWorks components including tools, samples and binaries are freely available to all developers.

For other binary or source code access please contact us at Game Works Licensing (


NVIDIA provides a variety of support channels for developers. To receive more news about NVIDIA’s tools and libraries for game development be sure to join our registered development program
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