In total, the system comprises 7,280 NVIDIA V100 GPUs. In a webinar presented by SRT and Eni, Eni presented results from three different types of use cases for ECHELON 2.0. The first was a deep-water reservoir using compositional formulation on four V100 GPUs for 150 runs on Eni’s HPC5 cluster.
In this trial, most realizations ran in less than four hours. The second was an offshore oil field that took 10 hours to run five reservoirs, each ranging from 300,000 to 2,100,000 grid blocks with multi-reservoir coupling. The third was a deep-water gas field with three reservoirs, each approximately 1,000,000 grid blocks, with reservoir coupling. In this third use case, SRT’s proprietary integrated-facility-network solver was linked to ECHELON and coupled at each time step. The full field development ran in 15 minutes.