For those competitive gamers who wish to get maximum FPS, we have carefully researched the effect that each graphics setting has on both gameplay and performance to find the optimal configuration for competitive play. PUBG tournaments, like the PGS, as well as professional esports players, use GeForce RTX 2080 and 2080 Tis to reach max frame rates.
At home, if you have a top tier GeForce RTX GPU, such as the GeForce RTX 2070 or better, and a top tier CPU like the i9-9900K, you can make the push to 240 FPS by using our tuned esports settings.
Achieving 240 FPS can depend on your in game situation, the map you’re on, and any game changes in recent updates. Furthermore, using max FPS settings does come with a few trade offs: effects like explosions will have reduced image quality, shadows and edges will be a bit blockier, and overall terrain quality will be reduced. If you still want to push for 240 FPS gameplay, follow the steps below:
1. Set your resolution to 1920x1080 and make sure your display is running at the maximum refresh rate.
2. Next, set your Render Scale to 90, and use the in-game graphics settings below: