Learning Path

Learn OpenUSD

Accelerate your OpenUSD workflows with this free curriculum for developers and 3D practitioners.

Discover how to supercharge your 3D workflows with Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD), an open and extensible ecosystem for describing, composing, simulating, and collaborating within 3D worlds, through this free NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) learning path. Gain foundational knowledge, explore essential concepts, and harness the full potential of OpenUSD today.

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Get started with this comprehensive introduction to the essential concepts, vocabulary, and Python best practices for OpenUSD.

Course 1

Learn OpenUSD: Learning About Stages, Prims, and Attributes

Get introduced to fundamental terms in OpenUSD and get hands-on practice with their implementation in Python.

Course 2

Learn OpenUSD: Working With Prims and Default Schemas

Learn about what it means to create a prim without a schema, and review the pre-built, default schemas that ship with OpenUSD.

Course 3

Learn OpenUSD: Using Attributes

Explore how to add, retrieve, and leverage attributes with these lessons and activities.

Course 4

Learn OpenUSD: Traversing Stages

Now that we’ve created stages with multiple prims and attributes, explore the traversing functionality with these activities.

Course 5

Learn OpenUSD: Understanding Model Kinds

Learn about what Model Kinds are, and how they can be leveraged in OpenUSD workflows.

Course 6

Learn OpenUSD: Setting Up Basic Animations

Go over basic animation concepts, including TimeCode and TimeSample.

Course 7

Learn OpenUSD: An Introduction to Strength Ordering

A primer for Strength Ordering, the governing principles for how stages are composed.

Applied Concepts

Build on foundational knowledge to explore advanced topics in OpenUSD, preparing developers and creators to use Universal Scene Description effectively in practical workflows. Get notified when new Learn OpenUSD courses are released.

Course 1

Learn OpenUSD: Creating Composition Arcs

Explore OpenUSD’s composition capabilities to build modular and efficient 3D scenes. Learn key concepts such as composition arcs, layer stacks, references, and debugging, equipping you with the skills to manage complex scenes effectively.


Course 2

Learn OpenUSD: Asset Structuring Principles and Content Aggregation

Learn to organize asset structures in OpenUSD for scalable and modular 3D scenes. Discover how to optimize performance and enhance collaboration and content reuse across various industries, from manufacturing to animation and product design.


Course 3

Learn OpenUSD: Developing Data Exchange Pipelines

Explore OpenUSD's instancing capabilities to create efficient, scalable 3D scenes. Learn to leverage point instancing, nested instancing, and variant sets to optimize performance and manage complex hierarchies in large-scale productions.


Course 4

Learn OpenUSD: Asset Modularity and Instancing

Explore data exchange between OpenUSD and other 3D formats. Learn about conceptual data mapping, create Python conversion scripts, and implement asset validation processes to optimize your 3D workflows and development pipelines.


Course 5

Learn OpenUSD: Working With Schemas

Dive into OpenUSD schemas and learn to create your own. Explore schema types, data modeling, and the standardization process. Gain hands-on experience in extending OpenUSD's capabilities to meet specific project needs and industry requirements.


This path is a suggestion and might be modified based on skill levels and desired outcomes.
© 2024 NVIDIA Corporation and affiliates. All rights reserved. NVIDIA constantly develops new courses and updates current content. Courses may be added and/or removed. Hyperlinks may change.

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