Publish your GPU-optimized software on the NGC catalog and accelerate your business.

With over 10X user growth over the last two years, the NGC™ catalog is fast becoming the trusted source for enterprise-grade software containers, models, and SDKs for data scientists and developers alike. As an NGC software partner, you can discover new opportunities, enhance user engagements, and grow your business by publishing GPU-optimized applications that reach NVIDIA’s vast ecosystem of customers and partners.


A Global Community

Promote and maximize the adoption of your application by leveraging NVIDIA's marketing engine to reach a developer community that is 1.8 million strong.

Secured Platform

Host your content on a secure and highly available platform, and choose who can access your containers. Additionally, leverage automated Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) and crypto scans to secure and deliver enterprise-grade containers.

Validated for Deployment

Ensure your application can be seamlessly deployed on-premises, in the cloud, or at the edge with testing and validation for performance across platforms.

User Insights

Understand and connect with your users, improve your product, and identify growth areas through detailed analytics and consumption reports.


We work with technology partners from all industries building solutions in the fields of data science, AI training and inference, high-performance computing (HPC), and visualization.


The NVIDIA NGC partnership has been very beneficial to MathWorks as it has enabled customers to easily access MATLAB for deep learning on GPUs in the cloud and with on-premise [NVIDIA] DGX™ systems. Since the NGC partnership, MathWorks has seen a 4X increase in downloads of the MATLAB Deep Learning container from the NGC registry year over year

— Jos Martin, Director of Engineering - Cloud Integration and Parallel Computing, MathWorks, MatLab AI

DeepPavlov conversational AI technology is packed in an easy-to-deploy, GPU-optimized container hosted on NGC to empower developers around the world to build production-ready, scalable, and reliable solutions as fast as never before. Becoming a part of the NGC family was a short and smooth process for us.

— Mikhail Burtsev, Founder and Leader,

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does NVIDIA monetize NGC?

    No. We don't charge our partners for hosting on the NGC catalog, and we don't charge end users to use the NGC catalog.

  • What if my application requires a license?

    The software you host on the NGC catalog can be a free version, demo version, trial version, or a licensed version. If your application requires a license, you can still host on the NGC catalog. However, NVIDIA is not involved in the sale of a license. The transaction stays between you and your end user. You can include information on how to obtain a license in your NGC product page.

  • What are the prerequisites to publish on the NGC catalog?

    Here are some prerequisites for hosting an application container image on the NGC catalog:

    • Your software is containerized using the CUDA® 9 or later base container. 

    • Your application is GPU accelerated, automatically multi-GPU capable, and runs on the NVIDIA Pascal™ or newer architecture.

    • You provide an end-user license agreement (EULA) for your application.

    • Your container does not collect personal data or violate the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

    For details, use the contact form below to reach out to us.

  • How does the publishing process work?

    If you decide to make our application available on the NGC catalog and all prerequisites are satisfied, the publishing process involves these steps:

    1. Sign the NGC Partner Legal Agreement.

    2. Push your container to an NGC private staging repository for publishing.

    3. Pass container security scanning and quality-assurance testing.

    4. Complete the final sign-off before your container image goes live.

    For details, use the contact form below to reach out to us.

  • What if I don’t have access to all the different NVIDIA GPU platforms for testing?

    There’s no need for you to have access to all the GPU platforms your application is targeting. After you provide us with your test plan, we’ll validate your application against the platforms you chose.

  • Do I get test results?

    Yes, we provide the performance and scalability test results of your application on different NVIDIA platforms.


  • What container runtimes are supported?

    NGC supports both Docker and Singularity runtimes.

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