Health Plans Designed for Life

When it comes to your health, there’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all. That’s why we offer a range of resources to support you and your family at every stage of your life.

Medical Plans

Medical Plans

You have up to five medical plans to choose from, depending on where you live.



How much you pay for prescriptions depends on which plan you’re enrolled in.

Dental Plans

Dental Plans

The NVIDIA Dental Plan gives you two options for coverage—a PPO and a DHMO.

Vision Plan

Vision Plan

Vision benefits are available through the Vision Service Plan (VSP).

Healthcare Made Easy

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

NVIDIA offers three types of FSAs, which let you put aside pre-tax money to pay for eligible expenses.

Health Savings Account (HSA)

Lower your overall medical costs with an HSA.

Being a Smart Consumer

Better care doesn’t mean paying more. It means making informed decisions about which providers to use, what care to receive when, and how you receive care. 

Cigna Cancer Support Program

A resource to NVIDIA employees and their covered dependents in a Cigna plan who are currently going through or have just finished cancer treatment. 

What’s a Deductible?

A deductible is a flat dollar amount that you must pay each year before your medical plan begins sharing the cost of care and services with you.

Denied Claims

Here are a few tips to follow if you get billed for a medical, dental, or vision service that you thought was covered by your plan.

Find An In-Network Doctor

You’ll always pay less for in-network care, so search for a network doctor near you using tools from your medical plan. 

Medical Emergency

If you or someone you know is in a life-threatening situation, call 911 and go to an emergency room immediately.

Near-Campus Clinic

The Crossover Health Center provides an alternative way to get affordable, high-quality, and convenient healthcare.

Get Virtual Care

Virtual care is a fast, easy way to see board-certified doctors and pediatricians for general matters via phone or video, 24/7 —saving you time and money. It’s ideal for minor medical concerns, such as a cold, pink eye, or a sinus infection. 

Gender Affirmation Support

Gender affirmation is a positive life event and something we celebrate at NVIDIA.

Teladoc Health

Connects you with medical experts to help you get the right care when you need it most. Use Teladoc Health when you or your family members are unsure about a diagnosis, need help choosing treatment, have medical questions, need help finding a local expert who specializes in treating your condition, or have been admitted to the hospital and want expert guidance.  

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