If you’ve lost a loved one, bereavement time is available to you. When you’re ready, you and your family can also lean on GuidanceResources EAP to help support you through the grieving process.
Losing a loved one is a life event, so there are a few benefits-related actions you’ll need to take within 31 days:
To see what other benefit changes you may want to consider making, go to the Benefits Enrollment Site.
Contact the Benefits Team at 844-807-7600 or NVIDIA-Benefits@nvidia.com to understand survivor benefits offered.
Often, it’s helpful to have someone to talk to. GuidanceResources EAP provides you with professional, private, and confidential services through a network of qualified counselors and resources. You and each family member in your household can receive up to eight counseling sessions with a counselor per incident each year at no cost to you. Learn more.
Contact GuidanceResources EAP at 1-844-729-5172 or online at guidanceresources.com. Register with Web ID: NVIDIA
Additional mental health support can be found here.
Learn more about getting help with wills and estate needs.