Getting Married Or Divorced

Navigate finances, legal issues, and benefits changes with help from NVIDIA programs. Getting married or divorced is a qualified life event that allows you to make changes to your benefits or beneficiaries.

Benefits Checklist

Within 31 days of getting married, divorced, or legally separated, be sure to:

Add your spouse to (or remove your spouse from) your medical plan and/or consider changing your medical plan. Adjust your life insurance and update your beneficiaries. Consider changing your HSA, FSA and 401(k) contributions.

Change Your Coverage, Dependents, And Beneficiaries

Getting married, divorced, or legally separated is considered a qualified life event, which allows you to change your benefits to reflect the changes in your family.

To see what benefit changes you can make and to enroll, go to the U.S. Benefits Enrollment Site.

You may also want to update the beneficiary for your life insurance, retirement plan, or Health Savings Account.

You can change your beneficiaries at any time.

Other Qualified Status Changes Include

Death of a spouse or child

Change in dependent employment status that results in a loss or gain of benefits, such as beginning or ending employment, change in hours, or an unpaid leave of absence

If you have or adopt a child, or there's a change in legal custody of a child

Change in dependent status of a child, such as when he or she reaches age 26

Significant change in spouse’s premium contributions

Significant change in dependent care charges

Entitlement to Medicare, Medicaid, or another insurance plan

Change in spouse’s benefit elections

Relocation of home residence outside of current coverage area

Legal Help

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Protect What's Precious

NVIDIA offers a wide range of benefits that meet other needs you may have. You can purchase the following types of voluntary insurance to help cover unexpected expenses:

Critical illness insurance through MetLife

Hospital and Accident Insurance through MetLife

Veterinary pet insurance through Nationwide

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