Having Or Adopting A Child

Congratulations! Welcoming a child is a happy and exciting time, and NVIDIA is thrilled to support you and your growing family with our benefit programs.

Benefits Checklist

Within 31 days of having or adopting your child, be sure to:

  • Add your child to your medical plan and/or consider changing your medical plan.
  • Adjust your life insurance and update your beneficiaries.
  • Consider changing your HSA, FSA and 401(k) contributions.

Use your benefits to:

Stay Healthy

If you’re pregnant, you need to stay as healthy as possible. Your NVIDIA benefits can help give your baby the best possible start.

Your Medical Plan

All NVIDIA medical plans offer coverage and resources for pregnancy and delivery. Check your specific plan for details about maternity coverage and selecting an OB-GYN.

Cigna Healthy Pregnancies, Healthy Babies Program

Through the Cigna Healthy Pregnancies, Healthy Babies Program, employees and covered spouses enrolled in the NVIDIA HSA, NVIDIA HSA Plus, or NVIDIA PPO medical plan have access to a comprehensive maternity management program. This includes educational materials, wellness programs, incentives, and a 24/7 health information line staffed with experienced registered nurses. Call 1-800-615-2906 to enroll in the program. You’ll receive $250 if you enroll during your first trimester or $125 if you enroll during your second trimester. 

New Baby Kit

GuidanceResources EAP offers no-cost new baby kit for first-time parents. Connect online or call 1-844-729-5172.

Manage Your Costs

Let NVIDIA help you offset some of your costs.

Health Care Flexible Spending Account

Pay for healthcare with tax-free dollars. Set aside funds to cover eligible expenses like deductibles, copays, and prescriptions. Learn more.

Day Care Flexible Spending Account

Put aside pre-tax dollars to cover day care, day camps, certain nanny services, preschool, and more. Learn more.

Adoption Assistance

Get unlimited reimbursement from NVIDIA to help cover the cost of eligible adoption expenses. Learn more.

Manage Your Benefits

Protect your growing family with your NVIDIA benefits.

Change Your Coverage, Dependents, And Beneficiaries

Having or adopting a child is considered a qualified life event, which would enable you to elect a new NVIDIA medical plan that fits your expanding family. Or you may prefer to add your child to your current NVIDIA medical plan.

To see what benefit changes you can make and to enroll, go to the U.S. Benefits Enrollment Site.

You may also choose to add your child as a beneficiary to your life insurance, retirement plan, or Health Savings Account.

You can change your beneficiaries at any time.

Save For College

It’s never too early to plan and save for higher education. Use your NVIDIA benefits to get a head start on paying for college.

Take Time Off For Pregnancy Or To Bond With Your Child

NVIDIA offers several types of leave benefits and programs for new mothers and fathers. Highlights include Time off and continued pay for pregnancy-related absences, as well as paid time to bond with your new baby or adopted child.

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