Paying for College

Student Loan Repayment Program

What makes a college degree even better? Having someone
else pay for it.

If you graduated within the past three years, you can apply for reimbursement up to $350 a month to help repay your student loans–up to a lifetime maximum of $30,000!

What’s covered

Eligible Expenses Ineligible Expenses
Federal Perkins Loans Late fees
Private student loans Installment plan/deferred payment fees
Subsidized Stafford Loans (FFELP/Direct) Direct Parent PLUS Loans
Unsubsidized Stafford Loans (FFELP/Direct) Loans not in your name
Health Professional Loans Other methods of educational finance, such as a home equity loans or loans from retirement accounts
Grad PLUS Loans (FFELP/Direct) Loans from outside the U.S.
Student Consolidation Loans  
Student Refinance Loans  

The fine print

To be eligible, you must be a U.S. employee working 20 hours or more per week. Interns and other temporary employees aren't eligible.

The monthly reimbursement limit is up to $350. Payments are made directly to the loan servicer. Participating employees are required to make regular, required monthly payments toward their loan(s) as required by the terms of the loan(s). NVIDIA contributions are intended to be in excess of the required minimum monthly payment and aren't intended to replace the minimum monthly payment. Loan repayment amounts made under Student Loan Repayment Program, as well as any amounts you receive under NVIDIA Global Education Assistance Program (also known as the NVIDIA Tuition Reimbursement Program), are excluded from income–up to $5,250 per year. Any loan repayments made under these programs that exceed $5,250 will be taxable income.

What else

If you are going back to school for an advanced degree, such as a Master’s or Doctorate, you'll become eligible for the Student Loan Repayment Program upon graduation. This is assuming you graduated within three years and have a qualified student loan. 

For more details, see the FAQs [PDF].

How to apply

Click to access the Student Loan Repayment site. Click “NVIDIA” as the Employer Name and “Benefits4You” as the Employer Password and follow the prompts. Use your 8-digit employee ID (use leading zeroes to create the full 8-digit number, e.g., 00012345) to register.

Tuition Reimbursement Program

Take your knowledge to the next level with the NVIDIA Global Education Assistance Program. It reimburses qualified educational expenses for employees who take classes through accredited institutions, including colleges and universities, Coursera, and edX.

Employees must request approval prior to enrollment in the course and must submit for reimbursement within 90 days of receipt of grades to be eligible for reimbursement.

All requests must be submitted by December 3 to be eligible for reimbursement during the current tax year.

For more information on eligibility and the tuition reimbursement process, review our policy at nv/geap or go to NVINFO > My Info > L&D Info.

For questions, contact

Student Loan Refinancing

Make your student debt go away faster. 

As an NVIDIA employee, you get to enjoy a customized application experience, dedicated customer service, and a welcome bonus of $200–$500 when your loan is approved. Learn more on the SoFi website.

Here’s why you should look at refinancing your student loan through SoFi:

  • Savings: Variable rates with AutoPay
  • Convenience: You can consolidate all your loans into one loan with one bill
  • No fees, no catch: No application or origination fees and no pre-payment penalties

SoFi also offers parent loans and parent PLUS loans, as well as personal loansmortgage loans, and refinancing.

Learn more.

529 College Savings Plan

Saving for future college expenses can be daunting. Investing in a 529 College Savings Plan helps make it easier to save. Enjoy the convenience of making your deposits by payroll deduction, while seeing your balance grow with potentially tax-free earnings. Enrollment information and plan details for California's 529 plan are available at ScholarShare where you can schedule a time to speak with NVIDIA's 529 consultant, James Palen. If you don't live in California, you'll want to check with your state's 529 program to see if you qualify for additional tax incentives as a resident.

To set up direct deposit through NVIDIA, log into NVINFO > My Info > Payroll > Set up direct deposit. NVIDIA Payroll can also help with any additional questions you may have with this process.

Stanford Center for Professional Development

Stay current with job-related higher education through Stanford University. NVIDIA’s partnership with the Stanford Center for Professional Development enables eligible employees to take select courses and certificate programs with no out-of-pocket tuition costs. These courses can also be applied toward a master’s degree.

See eligible programs and courses.

For more information on eligibility, review our policy at nv/scpd or go to NVINFO > My Info > L & D Programs.

For questions, contact

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