Identity Theft Protection

We’ve Got Your Back

A shocking 43% of Americans report being victims of identity theft. But you’re less likely to become a statistic if you enroll in identity theft protection services through IdentityForce® — a TransUnion® brand and a leader in keeping your personal and identity information safe.

IdentityForce will monitor your personal information and quickly notify you about any suspicious activity. If your identity is compromised, they’ll do the work needed to restore it. And $1 million in identity theft insurance gives you an added layer of protection.

NVIDIA and IdentityForce have partnered to provide you a discount. You can enroll children under 26 for no cost protection, and you can also buy protection for your spouse.

UltraSecure+ Credit Plan Features  
Bank and Credit Card Activity Alerts Pay Day Loan Monitoring
Change of Address Monitoring Sex Offender Monitoring
Court Record Monitoring Three Bureau Credit Report Monitoring
Fraud Alert Reminders Quarterly Bureau Credit Reports & Scores
Fraud Monitoring Monthly Credit Score Tracker
Identity Monitoring Credit Score Simulator
Identity Threat Alerts Lost Wallet Assistance
Junk Mail Opt-Out Identity Restoration Specialist
Medical ID Fraud Protection Identity Theft Insurance ($1 Million)
Online PC Protection Tools  

How To Enroll

To enroll, go to the U.S. Benefits Enrollment Site. Once enrolled, you’ll receive a confirmation email from IdentityForce. (If you don’t receive the email, check your Spam folder.) Just click on the link in the email to complete your registration and access the available tools.

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