Healthcare and Life Sciences

United Imaging Healthcare Enhanced the Speed and Quality of MR Imaging


United Imaging Healthcare is a leading medical imaging company whose mission is to provide “Equal Healthcare for All.” They deployed NVIDIA AI and accelerated computing solutions in an AI-enabled magnetic resonance (MR) scanner to reduce patient time in MR machines while increasing access to MR procedures.


United Imaging

Use Case

Accelerated Computing Tools & Techniques
Data Science


NVIDIA AI Enterprise 

About United Imaging Healthcare

Founded in 2011, Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd., is dedicated to providing global customers with high-performance medical imaging products, radiotherapy equipment, life sciences instruments, and intelligent digital solutions. With their mission to provide “Equal Healthcare for All,” and the vision to “Lead Healthcare Innovation,” United Imaging Healthcare is committed to creating more value for customers and constantly improving the global accessibility of high-end medical equipment and services through in-depth cooperation with hospitals, universities, research institutions, and industry partners.

Boosting the Speed and Quality of Magnetic Resonance Scans

AI-defined medical devices, such as MRI technologies, can reduce image reconstruction time to under one minute. Since 2018, United Imaging Healthcare has worked with NVIDIA to accelerate their products with AI, bringing to market an MR scanner that’s powered by the most advanced GPUs, acceleration libraries, and domain-specific AI application frameworks. By accelerating MR image acquisition and reconstruction, a traditionally slow imaging modality, United Imaging Healthcare’s AI-assisted compressed sensing (ACS) technology aims to improve image quality and shorten scan times to increase accessibility of MR scanners.

Conventional magnetic resonance signal processing and imaging takes time that doctors and patients don’t have. Increasing imaging resolution additionally introduces more challenges for fast imaging. With NVIDIA’s product and support teams, our proprietary reconstruction algorithms accelerated imaging time and enhanced the image quality.

Guobin Li, President of Magnet Resonance, United Imaging Healthcare

The Time and Cost of MR Image Reconstruction

The product and engineering teams at United Imaging Healthcare found that reconstructing high-quality MR images requires extremely compute-intensive workloads. They also needed to leverage more streaming sensor data to achieve higher throughput in less time. United Imaging Healthcare began using NVIDIA’s high-performance computing (HPC) and AI platforms to improve their proprietary algorithms, which aim to improve the speed and accuracy of the imaging process. However, even with these algorithms, processing streaming sensor data still took too much time and expense, which didn’t meet the needs of the clinicians they served. Their team recognized that a full-stack, GPU-accelerated solution was necessary to bring intelligent MR machines with competitive, innovative capabilities to market.

 High-resolution lumbar plexus imaging

High-resolution lumbar plexus imaging. Image courtesy of United Imaging.

Accelerating Image Reconstruction With NVIDIA

The United Imaging Healthcare team used NVIDIA’s rich suite of GPUs and SDKs, which provided them with a wide range of acceleration, from AI inference to matrix calculations. Using NVIDIA data center GPUs, their products and engineering teams increased the performance and speed of their HPC algorithms, necessary for streaming sensor data to image pipelines. With the NVIDIA CUDA® Toolkit, the team optimized performance of their proprietary algorithm for developing and deploying AI applications across multiple environments.

United Imaging Health also used cuSolver, NVIDIA’s high-performance matrix computation library, to accelerate the reconstruction of MR images. To further improve performance, NVIDIA engineers tailored an algorithm that increased computational speed by more than 10X and significantly reduced the time required for MR reconstruction.

The NVIDIA AI Enterprise software suite came with enterprise support—critical to the success of developing and launching United Imaging Healthcare’s AI-enabled MR machine. NVIDIA experts, including DevTech engineers and solution architects, helped their teams train models, analyze code, and efficiently migrate to GPUs, reducing development costs. Finally, the United Imaging Healthcare team participated in NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute courses to deepen their understanding of how to develop on CUDA.

United Imaging MR system: uMR Omega.

United Imaging MR system: uMR Omega. Image courtesy of United Imaging.

When we saw the need to capture the trend that imaging instruments need to be faster and more intelligent, NVIDIA helped us with their products, platform, and customer support to bring our vision closer to reality.

Guobin Li, President of Magnet Resonance, United Imaging Healthcare

Bringing AI-Powered MR Imaging to More Patients

Using NVIDIA’s platform has had a significant impact on MR image reconstruction. After easily integrating AI into their medical instruments with NVIDIA’s GPUs and AI computing stack, United Imaging Healthcare’s team reduced image construction time by nearly 95 percent. To optimize this reduction, NVIDIA’s support teams helped United Imaging Healthcare further accelerate algorithms by 3X. Clinical teams can now limit the amount of time that patients spend in constrained MR machines, and hospitals can increase access of MR procedures to more patients.

AI-Powered MR Imaging to More Patients

Cardiac T1 map. Image courtesy of United Imaging.

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