Do you seriously think this is an acceptable solution for a bug introduced by a driver provided by the vendor of a device you paid hundreds of dollars to?
Game-Ready Drivers
Game-Ready Drivers
Forza Motorsport 7 breaks in different ways every other driver (though it seems missing textures, and not just on the curbs but on any element at random, is the most recurring problem) and it's honestly appalling that this is the kind of service delivered by the biggest GPU company in the world.
Just please fix the game for good. It's one of the biggest AAA games this generation and a first party exclusive game from freaking Microsoft released in 2017, not a random obscure title from 10 years ago.
Game-Ready Drivers
Game-Ready Drivers
How do you know this? Is it an assumption or did someone at nVidia say something about it?
Game-Ready Drivers
Game-Ready Drivers
I'm not necessarily against this, but they should at the very least have a third driver branch (right now we have Game Ready and Studio) which is oriented to gamers but focused on rock solid stability. So, like the Studio drivers but for gaming.
Game-Ready Drivers
Game-Ready Drivers
It feels like every new driver release for the past year breaks Forza Motorsport 7 in different ways. What the hell is going on? nVidia products are NOT cheap, especially RTX products, and this is a really shameful showing. The fact that some of the highest profile, newest releases like Monster Hunter Iceborne are also being broken by new driver releases is icing on the cake.
Focus on the stability of your damn products for a change, even if you can't extract every bit of performance from the very newest release, because that's what nVidia driver releases feel like nowadays. Laser focused on whatever game released on that particular day to the detriment of literally everything else.
Game-Ready Drivers
Game-Ready Drivers
It's not a problem on nVidia's end. I'm getting the exact same issue on an HD6970 OC and Phenom II x6 1090t OC.
The game is basically unplayable on PC, go DEMAND a full refund for a game that does NOT work reasonably, before it's too late. Buy it again after the issues are patched. Better safe than sorry.
Game-Ready Drivers
Game-Ready Drivers
[quote name='mondokane' date='24 May 2011 - 03:25 PM' timestamp='1306243539' post='1241693']
I want to play COD Black Ops on my 295. You mentioned that you wouldn't go near it. What do you mean?
Do you (and others) think that Black Ops will play OK on my 295? I haven't seen any threads here that mention problems with that game.
Yo Mondokane.
To be honest, I think the whole thread has strayed off-topic far enough, don't you think?
Let's keep the AMD vs nVidia and anything else unrelated to the Crysis issues with the GTX295 off the topic for it's own sake.
Catch y'all via PM.
Game-Ready Drivers
Game-Ready Drivers
[quote name='Sora' date='24 May 2011 - 02:59 PM' timestamp='1306241955' post='1241686']
If you only play AAA titles.
the quake and brink players don't agree with you.
Asus are the only non reference parts i trust not to stick chinese made parts on a product, change the SKU and keep the same SKU numbering..... XFX has screwed over a whole bunch of AMD owners by changing the product and keeping nearly the same SKU number.
Amd offers you get what you pay for. And when the app is not mass advertised or consisting of an AAA title, then you're screwed for decent support. Of note, the few ATI titles i have played have serious issues when it comes to performance or random texturing issues (RCT3 comes to mind with its random dark patches).
AMD still has no Driver command buffer support, amd advertises great filtering based on their MLAA feature, offer half arsed opengl and a control panel built so awkward you could kill your neighbours kids. (not that i would advise it.... society generally frowns upon such acts).
Not to mention AMD's drivers break 3 older games with every new driver just to fix a couple of highly played kids games like black ops.
AMD still has issues with certain opengl apps and Desktop composition. >.> can't even play homeworld 2 on there at full speed.
Bugs happen, its always going to be a fact that you will need to move between different drivers from 1 game to the next. Part of the DX10 and 11 drive was to get away from this issue by removing vendor spec capabilities and functions but unless studios make the move, we're screwed.
just a FYI, nvidia are more likely to get to working on an issue if it comes from the developers of the application, or in depth reproduction and logs are provided.
.....of course i've been thinking for some time that its about time nvidia cut the AGP support out of the driver and start optimising for SSE2 minimum, uncomplicate the source a bit and tracking down issues will be easier.
I score 60fps constant in Brink. No clue what you're talking about, man. Massive performance issues existed but were promptly fixed in 11.5a RC3.
If you don't buy from trustworthy vendors and you get crap, that's entirely your fault. I've had friends with "Club 3D" nVidia cards going to hell quite fast. However, I must say, I really like XFX and have had nothing but excellent support from them. Maybe it's just the European/Spanish XFX, but they treat their customers like kings.
I wouldn't ever go near black ops, but I guess you can say I play "somewhat big" games most of the time.
Examples include but aren't limited to:
ArcaniA: Gothic IV
Mass Effect 2
ARMA series (currently ARMA II and ARMA II: OA)
OFP series (Currently Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising & Red River)
Crysis series (All titles)
Far Cry 2
Assassin's Creed series (All titles, mostly the first one as odd as it may sound)
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Battlefield BC2
Blazblue CT
Bulletstorm (minor shadow bug in the main menu, interestingly not present in-game)
DiRT series (all of them) and GRiD
Dragon Age series (I only play the second one right now, but I did go through the first one with no issues)
Lost Planet 1 & 2 (THIS is where I had my minor bug: The game would ocassionally stutter in Dx11. Apparently fixed by 11.6)
NFS Hot Pursuit, Shift, Shift 2 Unleashed
Ninja Blade
The Last Remnant
The Witcher series (both)
TeS 4: Oblivion
Unreal Tournament 3
Ye olde Doom 3
Ye olde GUN
Zero issues in any of the avobe games whatsoever, except the issue I mentioned in Bulletstorm (which I reported yesterday for craps&giggles) and the Lost Planet 2 one which they reproduced within 2 days of my report.
Also, MLAA is quite good for apps that do not support Antialiasing (Oblivion comes to mind).
Game-Ready Drivers
Game-Ready Drivers
[quote name='nvtweakman' date='24 May 2011 - 12:36 PM' timestamp='1306233363' post='1241644']
I do wish they had left that feature in the drivers, if for no other reason than it was fun to "unlock" it :)
(oh, and temperature monitoring too)
These days, I believe OC'ing can be done through developer API. Unwinder (RivaTuner) and a others have done an exceptional job of it with utilities like Afterburner, Precision, and NVIDIA Inspector. This is probably why NV doesn't even worry about putting OC feature in the driver control panel anymore, as they allow 3rd party developers to get involved.
I agree with this, but still, I use a combination of ASUS SmartDoctor (voltage tweaking), MSi Afterburner (On-screen GPU usage and temp monitoring, video recording, screenshots) and AMD Overdrive (GPU & Mem Clocks, PowerTune) to OC my card.
Gotta say, though, that I never missed a nVidia-equivalent driver feature with the GTX295, eVGA Precision kicked ass.
EDIT: Having to fiddle with NvInspector to try and fix nVidia's screwups, tho? @Me does not like.
EDIT2: And mind you, I find it completely understandable that some games may take longer to support SLi and that some others may not support it at all. My rage is caused by the fact that Crysis and Far Cry 2 were working FINE and they BROKE what was already working.
I don't like SLi much in itself due to the aforementioned flaws (may take long to patch, may never support SLi), but hey, these issues I dislike Crossfire as much for. AMD ain't a saint in this department either, see why I didn't go HD6990? Hell, even breaking stuff and fixing it in a few weeks or even a month or two I may understand! Just check out my early posts and see how supportive I was back in the day.
The real offenders here are the facts that stuff was working fine, they broke it and never bothered to set the record straight. Otherwise I would have gotten myself a GTX580.
Game-Ready Drivers
Game-Ready Drivers
Except you're wrong, Sora. I had a minor bug which they reproduced in two days and are fixing by Catalyst 11.6. I have experienced no other bugs amongst the 40+ 2007 and onwards PC games I own, explain to me how this is a lackluster driver team again. They release every single month and take into account everything you tell them over Twitter.
Plus AMD STILL supports OC through standard drivers.
As for the Reference Lock-in, I am not entirely sure what you mean by it, but if what you mean is "during the time when reference AMD cards are being made", know that the ASUS DirectCU2 is non-ref, custom heatsink and fans, custom PCB and VRMs, completely different BIOS and such... My last AMD (Asus HD4870) was also non-ref.
AMD always offers cards at all price points, and if at any given point in time you wish to purchase a graphics card, I don't see why you wouldn't want to get the latest gpu series possible... Mind you, this also applies to nVidia.
In fact, my only complaint about nVidia is the blatantly nonexistant driver support team... The hardware itself is marvelous and superior to AMD's most of the time. Wouldn't have stuck mainly to the green team ever since my Riva TNT days. My Green team to red team purchase ratio's been at least 3:1 and I have never been disappointed by either side (although my first ATi was the Radeon X800, I hear drivers were putrid before that: You may know that better than me)
What is happening to us lately is an incredibly long-standing bad joke, a terrible exception to the rule I'd have laughed off as trolling merely a year ago.
It's gonna stick to the back of my mind for quite some time.
Game-Ready Drivers
Game-Ready Drivers
Yeah, so my last post was deleted for being "inflammatory"- Which mind you, was true. The following is a brief run-down of what I was trying to say, minus the personal attacks towards ManuelG & Co.
This has gone on for long enough, blablablabla, nVidia is, in my opinion, displaying a "fire, sell and forget" attitude, blablablabla, not fixing Far Cry 2 issue (Fix consists of FIXING A ONE DIGIT TYPO) is an abhorrent display of lack of concern thus proving my previous point, blablablabla I bought an HD6970 and am currently maxing all games with no issues, blablabla, wish you good luck mateys.
I no longer own a GTX295 or anything related to nVidia, company that I once held deep, deep in my heart as the flagship of premium quality, even if at a small bump in price. Sadly, no longer the case. May you, somewhere down the road, put your best foot forward in undoing the damage.
So I guess this issue or even the forum in it's entirety is none of my business anymore. I feel your pain, gentlemen. Do as I did. Switch sides. Instant fix and it's gotta send a message across.
Have a good one and feel free to contact me by e-mail (MSN address which you can find in my profile).
Game-Ready Drivers
Game-Ready Drivers
Mondokane, no, I am not sure. Perhaps they do exist. What I was trying to say is "Even if the problems do not yet exist, they WILL in some form or another, perhaps in another game". What I mean is, it WILL fail in some area. It's an SLi setup. That's the way it is.
thesaxmaniac, I wish I never had flickering issues!
Either way, I am sorting out an RMA request with EVGA and they are proving to be quite supportive and helpful. Perhaps I will get a newer card as replacement for this piece of horse dung. God, I love EVGA.
Game-Ready Drivers
Game-Ready Drivers
Mondokane, it doesn't matter that these errors don't exist now. Errors WILL exist in the future, I bet my genitalia on that.
Game-Ready Drivers
Game-Ready Drivers
Yeah JohnZS, of course it runs pro now. I remember it running pro on my GTX295 when I first got it...
Wait for them to destroy the card with arsey drivers in 1 years.
I'm upgrading to an ASUS AMD Radeon HD6970 DirectCU2 (which I will massively overclock), AMD Phenom II x6 1090t and 2x4GB Kingston HyperX GREY 1600mhz ram this very afternoon. Any objections, gentlemen?
EDIT: Yes, I said "6970", the singleGPU one. I'm sick of MultiGPU as a whole.
Game-Ready Drivers
Game-Ready Drivers
I don't really care too much, as I have resorted to playing SingleGPU and using Dx9 in every game that will allow me to. I shall sell this piece of dung ASAP and build a system around an HD6970. I shall avoid multiple GPUs like the plague until they become the norm.
Do you seriously think this is an acceptable solution for a bug introduced by a driver provided by the vendor of a device you paid hundreds of dollars to?
Forza Motorsport 7 breaks in different ways every other driver (though it seems missing textures, and not just on the curbs but on any element at random, is the most recurring problem) and it's honestly appalling that this is the kind of service delivered by the biggest GPU company in the world. Just please fix the game for good. It's one of the biggest AAA games this generation and a first party exclusive game from freaking Microsoft released in 2017, not a random obscure title from 10 years ago.
How do you know this? Is it an assumption or did someone at nVidia say something about it?
I'm not necessarily against this, but they should at the very least have a third driver branch (right now we have Game Ready and Studio) which is oriented to gamers but focused on rock solid stability. So, like the Studio drivers but for gaming.
It feels like every new driver release for the past year breaks Forza Motorsport 7 in different ways. What the hell is going on? nVidia products are NOT cheap, especially RTX products, and this is a really shameful showing. The fact that some of the highest profile, newest releases like Monster Hunter Iceborne are also being broken by new driver releases is icing on the cake. Focus on the stability of your damn products for a change, even if you can't extract every bit of performance from the very newest release, because that's what nVidia driver releases feel like nowadays. Laser focused on whatever game released on that particular day to the detriment of literally everything else.
It's not a problem on nVidia's end. I'm getting the exact same issue on an HD6970 OC and Phenom II x6 1090t OC. The game is basically unplayable on PC, go DEMAND a full refund for a game that does NOT work reasonably, before it's too late. Buy it again after the issues are patched. Better safe than sorry.
[quote name='mondokane' date='24 May 2011 - 03:25 PM' timestamp='1306243539' post='1241693'] Ruku, I want to play COD Black Ops on my 295. You mentioned that you wouldn't go near it. What do you mean? Do you (and others) think that Black Ops will play OK on my 295? I haven't seen any threads here that mention problems with that game. Yo Mondokane. To be honest, I think the whole thread has strayed off-topic far enough, don't you think? Let's keep the AMD vs nVidia and anything else unrelated to the Crysis issues with the GTX295 off the topic for it's own sake. Catch y'all via PM.
[quote name='Sora' date='24 May 2011 - 02:59 PM' timestamp='1306241955' post='1241686'] If you only play AAA titles. the quake and brink players don't agree with you. Asus are the only non reference parts i trust not to stick chinese made parts on a product, change the SKU and keep the same SKU numbering..... XFX has screwed over a whole bunch of AMD owners by changing the product and keeping nearly the same SKU number. Amd offers you get what you pay for. And when the app is not mass advertised or consisting of an AAA title, then you're screwed for decent support. Of note, the few ATI titles i have played have serious issues when it comes to performance or random texturing issues (RCT3 comes to mind with its random dark patches). AMD still has no Driver command buffer support, amd advertises great filtering based on their MLAA feature, offer half arsed opengl and a control panel built so awkward you could kill your neighbours kids. (not that i would advise it.... society generally frowns upon such acts). Not to mention AMD's drivers break 3 older games with every new driver just to fix a couple of highly played kids games like black ops. AMD still has issues with certain opengl apps and Desktop composition. >.> can't even play homeworld 2 on there at full speed. Bugs happen, its always going to be a fact that you will need to move between different drivers from 1 game to the next. Part of the DX10 and 11 drive was to get away from this issue by removing vendor spec capabilities and functions but unless studios make the move, we're screwed. just a FYI, nvidia are more likely to get to working on an issue if it comes from the developers of the application, or in depth reproduction and logs are provided. .....of course i've been thinking for some time that its about time nvidia cut the AGP support out of the driver and start optimising for SSE2 minimum, uncomplicate the source a bit and tracking down issues will be easier. I score 60fps constant in Brink. No clue what you're talking about, man. Massive performance issues existed but were promptly fixed in 11.5a RC3. If you don't buy from trustworthy vendors and you get crap, that's entirely your fault. I've had friends with "Club 3D" nVidia cards going to hell quite fast. However, I must say, I really like XFX and have had nothing but excellent support from them. Maybe it's just the European/Spanish XFX, but they treat their customers like kings. I wouldn't ever go near black ops, but I guess you can say I play "somewhat big" games most of the time. Examples include but aren't limited to: ArcaniA: Gothic IV Mass Effect 2 ARMA series (currently ARMA II and ARMA II: OA) OFP series (Currently Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising & Red River) Crysis series (All titles) Far Cry 2 Assassin's Creed series (All titles, mostly the first one as odd as it may sound) Batman: Arkham Asylum Battlefield BC2 Blazblue CT Borderlands Brink Bulletstorm (minor shadow bug in the main menu, interestingly not present in-game) DiRT series (all of them) and GRiD Dragon Age series (I only play the second one right now, but I did go through the first one with no issues) GTA IV L4D2 Lost Planet 1 & 2 (THIS is where I had my minor bug: The game would ocassionally stutter in Dx11. Apparently fixed by 11.6) NFS Hot Pursuit, Shift, Shift 2 Unleashed Ninja Blade The Last Remnant The Witcher series (both) TeS 4: Oblivion Unreal Tournament 3 Ye olde Doom 3 Ye olde GUN Zero issues in any of the avobe games whatsoever, except the issue I mentioned in Bulletstorm (which I reported yesterday for craps&giggles) and the Lost Planet 2 one which they reproduced within 2 days of my report. Also, MLAA is quite good for apps that do not support Antialiasing (Oblivion comes to mind).
[quote name='nvtweakman' date='24 May 2011 - 12:36 PM' timestamp='1306233363' post='1241644'] I do wish they had left that feature in the drivers, if for no other reason than it was fun to "unlock" it :) (oh, and temperature monitoring too) These days, I believe OC'ing can be done through developer API. Unwinder (RivaTuner) and a others have done an exceptional job of it with utilities like Afterburner, Precision, and NVIDIA Inspector. This is probably why NV doesn't even worry about putting OC feature in the driver control panel anymore, as they allow 3rd party developers to get involved. I agree with this, but still, I use a combination of ASUS SmartDoctor (voltage tweaking), MSi Afterburner (On-screen GPU usage and temp monitoring, video recording, screenshots) and AMD Overdrive (GPU & Mem Clocks, PowerTune) to OC my card. Gotta say, though, that I never missed a nVidia-equivalent driver feature with the GTX295, eVGA Precision kicked ass. EDIT: Having to fiddle with NvInspector to try and fix nVidia's screwups, tho? @Me does not like. EDIT2: And mind you, I find it completely understandable that some games may take longer to support SLi and that some others may not support it at all. My rage is caused by the fact that Crysis and Far Cry 2 were working FINE and they BROKE what was already working. I don't like SLi much in itself due to the aforementioned flaws (may take long to patch, may never support SLi), but hey, these issues I dislike Crossfire as much for. AMD ain't a saint in this department either, see why I didn't go HD6990? Hell, even breaking stuff and fixing it in a few weeks or even a month or two I may understand! Just check out my early posts and see how supportive I was back in the day. The real offenders here are the facts that stuff was working fine, they broke it and never bothered to set the record straight. Otherwise I would have gotten myself a GTX580.
Except you're wrong, Sora. I had a minor bug which they reproduced in two days and are fixing by Catalyst 11.6. I have experienced no other bugs amongst the 40+ 2007 and onwards PC games I own, explain to me how this is a lackluster driver team again. They release every single month and take into account everything you tell them over Twitter. Plus AMD STILL supports OC through standard drivers. As for the Reference Lock-in, I am not entirely sure what you mean by it, but if what you mean is "during the time when reference AMD cards are being made", know that the ASUS DirectCU2 is non-ref, custom heatsink and fans, custom PCB and VRMs, completely different BIOS and such... My last AMD (Asus HD4870) was also non-ref. AMD always offers cards at all price points, and if at any given point in time you wish to purchase a graphics card, I don't see why you wouldn't want to get the latest gpu series possible... Mind you, this also applies to nVidia. In fact, my only complaint about nVidia is the blatantly nonexistant driver support team... The hardware itself is marvelous and superior to AMD's most of the time. Wouldn't have stuck mainly to the green team ever since my Riva TNT days. My Green team to red team purchase ratio's been at least 3:1 and I have never been disappointed by either side (although my first ATi was the Radeon X800, I hear drivers were putrid before that: You may know that better than me) What is happening to us lately is an incredibly long-standing bad joke, a terrible exception to the rule I'd have laughed off as trolling merely a year ago. It's gonna stick to the back of my mind for quite some time.
Yeah, so my last post was deleted for being "inflammatory"- Which mind you, was true. The following is a brief run-down of what I was trying to say, minus the personal attacks towards ManuelG & Co. This has gone on for long enough, blablablabla, nVidia is, in my opinion, displaying a "fire, sell and forget" attitude, blablablabla, not fixing Far Cry 2 issue (Fix consists of FIXING A ONE DIGIT TYPO) is an abhorrent display of lack of concern thus proving my previous point, blablablabla I bought an HD6970 and am currently maxing all games with no issues, blablabla, wish you good luck mateys. I no longer own a GTX295 or anything related to nVidia, company that I once held deep, deep in my heart as the flagship of premium quality, even if at a small bump in price. Sadly, no longer the case. May you, somewhere down the road, put your best foot forward in undoing the damage. So I guess this issue or even the forum in it's entirety is none of my business anymore. I feel your pain, gentlemen. Do as I did. Switch sides. Instant fix and it's gotta send a message across. Have a good one and feel free to contact me by e-mail (MSN address which you can find in my profile).
Mondokane, no, I am not sure. Perhaps they do exist. What I was trying to say is "Even if the problems do not yet exist, they WILL in some form or another, perhaps in another game". What I mean is, it WILL fail in some area. It's an SLi setup. That's the way it is. thesaxmaniac, I wish I never had flickering issues! Either way, I am sorting out an RMA request with EVGA and they are proving to be quite supportive and helpful. Perhaps I will get a newer card as replacement for this piece of horse dung. God, I love EVGA.
Mondokane, it doesn't matter that these errors don't exist now. Errors WILL exist in the future, I bet my genitalia on that.
Yeah JohnZS, of course it runs pro now. I remember it running pro on my GTX295 when I first got it... Wait for them to destroy the card with arsey drivers in 1 years. I'm upgrading to an ASUS AMD Radeon HD6970 DirectCU2 (which I will massively overclock), AMD Phenom II x6 1090t and 2x4GB Kingston HyperX GREY 1600mhz ram this very afternoon. Any objections, gentlemen? EDIT: Yes, I said "6970", the singleGPU one. I'm sick of MultiGPU as a whole.
I don't really care too much, as I have resorted to playing SingleGPU and using Dx9 in every game that will allow me to. I shall sell this piece of dung ASAP and build a system around an HD6970. I shall avoid multiple GPUs like the plague until they become the norm.