New Battlefield V Update and GeForce Game Ready Driver Improve DXR Ray Tracing Performance By Up To 50%

On December 4th, EA and DICE will deploy the BattlefieldTM V: Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture update, bringing gamers a new single-player War Story called The Last Tiger, a new multiplayer map called Panzerstorm, a Practice Range for players to hone their skills on, and a number of other gameplay enhancements.

In addition, Chapter 1 also includes DXR Ray Tracing optimizations, improving performance up to 50%, enabling GeForce RTX gamers to enjoy Battlefield V’s immersive real-time ray-traced reflections at over 60 FPS.

Specifically, GeForce RTX 2080 Ti users will now be able to play at over 60 FPS at 2560x1440 with DXR Raytraced Reflections set to Ultra. GeForce RTX 2080 users will be able to play at over 60 FPS at 2560x1440 with Medium DXR Raytraced Reflections. And GeForce RTX 2070 users will be able to play at over 60 FPS at 1920x1080 with Medium DXR Raytraced Reflections.

To learn more, check out our developer video filmed in Sweden at DICE, which walks through the different DXR performance optimizations in Battlefield V: Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture:


This is only the beginning and we will continue to work closely with EA and DICE to improve this new technology, so stay tuned, and be sure to keep your GeForce Game Ready drivers updated using GeForce Experience.

And don’t forget, for a limited time when you purchase eligible GeForce RTX graphics cards or systems, you also get a copy of Battlefield V.

For the definitive Battlefield V PC gaming experience, head over to our GeForce RTX Battlefield V bundle page to discover which partners in your country are participating, and which GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, 2080 and 2070 graphics cards are eligible.

Please note, if you are buying an eligible GeForce RTX GPU, ensure the seller is participating in the Battlefield V bundle program as NVIDIA cannot provide download codes and coupons for purchases made at non-participating retailers and e-tailers.


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