Battlefield V: Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture Game Ready Driver

By Andrew Burnes on December 03, 2018 | Featured Stories Drivers

Our latest GeForce Game Ready driver works in concert with the Battlefield VTM: Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture update to improve DXR Ray Tracing performance by up to 50%.

In addition, it also includes support for Just Cause 4, Insurgency: Sandstorm, and World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth’s upcoming DirectX 12 performance optimizations.

To download and install, simply fire up GeForce Experience and click the "Drivers" tab.

Game Ready For Battlefield V: Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture

On December 4th, EA and DICE will deploy the Battlefield V: Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture update, bringing gamers a new single-player War Story called The Last Tiger, a new multiplayer map called Panzerstorm, a Practice Range for players to hone their skills on, and a number of other gameplay enhancements.

In addition, Chapter 1 also includes DXR Ray Tracing optimizations that improve performance up to 50%, enabling GeForce RTX gamers to enjoy Battlefield V’s immersive real-time ray-traced reflections at over 60 FPS.

For all the details, head on over to our dedicated Battlefield V: Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture article, and check out the video below.


Battlefield V DXR optimizations are also included in today's new Game Ready driver, so be sure to download and install now from GeForce Experience's Drivers tab, or from

Game Ready For Other Anticipated Titles

Our new Game Ready driver is also a must-have if you’re intending to play Just Cause 4 or Insurgency: Sandstorm, or are already playing World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth.

Just Cause 4

Rico Rodriguez returns in Just Cause 4 for another madcap mission of liberation, this time featuring extreme weather effects, and even-bigger, even-better destruction.


For the best possible experience when Just Cause 4 launches on December 4th, update to today's Game Ready driver, and head in to GeForce Experience for day-0 Optimal Playable Settings.

Insurgency Sandstorm

Insurgency: Sandstorm is a realistic, tactical online shooter and sequel to the multi-million selling indie hit Insurgency. it brings action-packed, nerve-racking modern military combat to the PC, and if you purchase now you play the game's ongoing beta ahead of its official launch on December 12th.

Players with GeForce GPUs will discover when playing that the game has support for NVIDIA Ansel and NVIDIA Highlights, enabling them to capture and share their best screenshots and most entertaining moments.

Check out numerous Ansel in-game photos here, and share your own on Shot With GeForce.

World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth

Later this month, a new World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth update will go live. Alongside the many gameplay changes there'll also be some technical ones, namely sizeable DirectX 12 performance improvements thanks to Blizzard's work on multithreaded optimizations.

For further details stay tuned, and to get an early preview log on to the PTR and enable DirectX 12.

GeForce Game Ready Driver - Download Now

You can download the new GeForce Game Ready 417.22 WHQL drivers through GeForce Experience, our free, game-enhancing application, which records and streams gameplay, and grants you access to giveaways.

If you experience any technical issues with the new Game Ready drivers please post a detailed report on the Driver Feedback Forum, where our Customer Care team can better assist you. A list of fixes in this driver for previously-reported issues can be found here.


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