Remedy Entertainment is known for making great games with great graphics, starting with Max Payne and its signature Matrix slow-mo in 2001. Max Payne 2, Alan Wake and Quantum Break followed in the years since, and in 2019 Remedy will release Control, published by 505 Games, a third-person action-adventure set in the shape-shifting building of the Federal Bureau of Control (FBC), a secret government agency that keeps the supernatural out of the public eye. Except it’s all gone a bit wrong, as you might have guessed, giving Remedy the perfect excuse to render a beautiful game with shifting walls and floors, and stunning, varied locations.
The Bureau’s glossy office environments are a perfect showcase for Global Illumination and Reflections, enabling the realistic reflection of floors, walls
With Ray-Traced Diffuse Global Illumination, Remedy is able to enhance their existing Global Illumination system to deliver more accurate details, and also include lighting from dynamic light sources reflected from nearby surfaces in real time. As a result, even the smallest geometric details in a scene influence the indirect illumination with superior results.
And finally, Remedy utilizes ray-traced contact shadowing to enhance non-RT shadows cast from lights with the highest intensity. By combining the two techniques, a scene’s most predominant shadows can be rendered at a higher level of detail than was previously possible. Additionally, ray-tracing enables rendering of accurate contact shadows from shadow casters outside of the camera’s field of view, enhancing immersion as the camera moves through the scene.
For more on Control, stay tuned to the game’s official website, and keep an eye on for new info on Control’s PC-exclusive graphics tech. In the meantime, here are several other exclusive screenshots to peruse: