Having wowed gamers at LTX 2023 with the latest GeForce RTX games and technologies, GeForce Evangelist Jacob Freeman and the NVIDIA team are now heading to Texas for QuakeCon 2023. First held in August 1996, QuakeCon celebrates all-things id, and now all-things Bethesda Software.
If you’re attending, come find the NVIDIA Lounge, where you can experience the GeForce RTX 4090, in addition to the latest GeForce RTX 40 Series GPUs, laptops, and technologies. Attendees can get hands-on with demos of DLSS and RTX games, including DOOM Eternal, Ghostwire: Tokyo, Quake II RTX, The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom, and can check out newly-released NVIDIA G-SYNC Ultra Low Motion Blur 2 gaming monitors.
The powerful cloud gaming service, NVIDIA’s GeForce NOW, and its top tier Ultimate membership in the GeForce NOW Ultimate Kovaak’s Challenge will also be available at the show. Attendees can test their skills with ultra-high 240 fps cloud gaming, streaming from RTX 4080-class servers in the lounge — top challenge scorers will have the chance to win some fabulous prizes. Register now and participate at home when the challenge launches for everyone August 10.
Demos are powered by our partners at ASUS, Logitech, MSI, Viewsonic and Xidax, and they’ll also be giving away gear and other swag, so be sure to head on by and check everything out.
If you’re attending QuakeCon 2023, make sure to snap and share a photo from the GeForce lounge using #RTXRoadshow, and you could win an RTX keyboard key cap. If you’re at home, message us on social using #RTXRoadshow to tell us which creators you’re looking forward to seeing Jacob chat to, and you could win a Steam Gift Card or RTX key cap.