How To Use NVIDIA Ansel

GeForce Experience, Guides, Ansel

  1. Download and install our latest Game Ready driver from GeForce Experience or
  2. Check to see if the game you are playing is included in our list of Ansel supported games.
  3. Once you're in the game, press Alt+F2 to open Ansel.

  1. Reposition the camera using WASD, Z, X, and left mouse (hold shift to accelerate movement), or use a controller (D-Pad navigates the Ansel UI, 'A' on Xbox controllers takes screenshots), change Ansel options as desired, and click "Snap".
  2. All your Ansel shots can be accessed in the GeForce Experience Gallery. Press Alt+Z to open GeForce Experience Overlay.
  3. To upload screenshots, open up Gallery and select your image.

  1. Select your upload destination and hit "Share"
  2. You can access your files directly in the default "Videos" directory.