For starters, all shadowed lights in the game now contribute to ray-traced global illumination. Previously, only sunlight could naturally illuminate environments, limiting the tech’s usefulness in many of the game’s locations. Now, light from the sun, moon, sky, man-made lights, and all other light sources can brighten interiors, exteriors, characters, enemies, and weapons, dramatically improving the game’s appearance. Dark interiors are bathed in light, materials glisten and subtly shine when struck by light, and the color of light is realistically transmitted throughout each scene.
To make this a reality, every single rasterized light has either been removed from the game, or upgraded to a new and improved ray-traced version, necessitating the use of a ray tracing-capable GPU, like the GeForce RTX series of graphics cards. This fundamental change also enabled the developers to eschew time-consuming testing, tweaking, rendering, and baking associated with the use of rasterized workarounds, greatly accelerating their work on the PC Enhanced Edition.