Minecraft with RTX Windows 10 Beta: Your PBR Questions Answered, and Free Resource Pack Downloads

By Andrew Burnes on May 22, 2020 | Featured Stories Minecraft with RTX

Last month, we released the Minecraft with RTX Windows 10 Beta, enabling Minecraft players to experience the game in an entirely new light, with real-time path-traced ray tracing, and realistic physically-based (PBR) textures. Accompanying the launch were 6 professionally-made, free-to-download worlds demonstrating the full capabilities of Minecraft with RTX. And just last week we released another 5 worlds, with new features, new gameplay experiences, and new uses of ray tracing.


Since launch, we have also seen the community discover the possibilities of ray tracing via new world builds, the conversion of Java worlds, and the creation of new PBR Resource Packs that add new and unique textures to change the look and feel of each world.


To help people with their first forays into the world of Minecraft with RTX modding, we created a PBR Texturing Guide and a World Conversion Guide, and have been responding to community questions online.

Our partners at Razzleberries have also created an incredible world just for testing new textures. This world is available for download here, and we’ve recently created a video walkthrough:


To share our knowledge with a wider audience, we’ve rounded up some of the most asked questions, and our answers, to help Minecraft creators with their projects. If you want to know something not addressed below, ask your question in our comment section at the end of the article.

Minecraft with RTX Beta Community Q&A

What is the memory size limit of creating texture Resource Packs for Minecraft with RTX? And what are the best ways to avoid reaching this limit?

The actual limit depends on the number and resolution of the textures, but as a rule of thumb, keeping the resource pack below 100 MB is a good idea. We are working with Microsoft to alleviate this limit in a future update. When creating HD Textures, the best way to avoid this limit is to only utilize high resolution textures for textures that absolutely need the detail. You can have a Base Color texture be 1024x1024 while having its corresponding .mer texture be much smaller.

What are the technical limitations for creating a texture pack for Bedrock Edition, compared to Java?

At present there are some limitations for creating PBR textures for Minecraft with RTX. Specifically, flipbook textures, entities, and Items are unable to have PBR textures applied.

The technical limitations for Bedrock Edition seem to be holding back a lot of developers from what they want to create for Minecraft with RTX. Is there any way to bypass these limitations so that creators can fully take advantage of the high-res textures they'd like to implement?

These Bedrock Limitations are due to an engine side update that is required. This isn't something we can provide a workaround for, but something we will look forward to providing an update for in future releases.

Is there an in-depth knowledge base and guide for creating resource packs for Minecraft with RTX?

There are a few spaces where one can find information about resource packs and Minecraft with RTX. The first place to look is our Minecraft with RTX Texture Guide - and for further information on basic resource packs you can take a look at this Gamepedia page.

As someone who wants to begin making resource packs for the first time, what is the meaning of all the terms used in the official guide? (e.g. roughness)

The use of the term "physically based render" has been in the community lexicon for some time. There is a great wiki that explains this content.

Are height maps enabled with RTX PBR? If not, will they be?

In Minecraft with RTX the height map support in Minecraft with RTX allows pixelated low resolution textures to have relief, without requiring a high resolution normal map. Height maps are not used for parallax maps.

What are the plans to enable PBR on entities and items?

We are working hard to have PBR capabilities on entities and items. We will have this available in a future update.

Will RTX eventually support caustics through glass?

This issue was noted by our development team and solutions are being investigated.

Will emissivity be coming to objects like held torches?

We're working on this feature to update in a future release.

Are there any places I can join to talk about Minecraft with RTX PBR textures or to share my resource pack?

Yes! There is a new subreddit, r/minecraftRTX, and a Discord channel where there are lively texture conversations happening every day. You can also officially submit your work in progress pack to NVIDIA via this link.

Community PBR Texture Pack Downloads

It’s only been a short time since launch, but already folks are making their own texture Resource Packs, which others can use with any RTX world to change their look and feel, and to make themed creations. And there’s even a community-made tool called TextureEdit, created by Minecrafters TheCivilHulk and Warm_Teeth, to help creators accelerate their texture workflows.

When making your textures, we recommend testing them in the RTX Texture Showcase map, which can be downloaded directly from here. For further details about it, along with screenshots and install instructions, head here.

Full Vanilla Conversion Pack, by u/TheCivilHulk, made with TextureEdit

To demonstrate the work of creators, we’ve rounded up the latest community-made Resource Packs into a list below, along with download links. If you’re making your own pack, let us know via this link and we may feature your pack in a future article.

Resource Pack Name Creator Download Location Texture Size Aesthetic Description
Minecraft RTX HD Mariospants Here 512x512 Realistic textures
Minecraft RTX HD Post-Apocalyptic Texture Resource Pack Mariospants Here 512x512 Post-apocalyptic textures
RTX Vanilla Conversion u/TheCivilHulk Here 16x16 Vanilla Conversion
LUNA RTX HD Resource Pack Sandeep Rao Here 512x512 Realistic textures
Doey Resource Pack u/Doey62750 512x512 Realistic textures
MCTestingLimits SagiC Here 1024x1024 High Definition
Fancy Vanilla RTX JustAFallingStar Here 16x16 Vanilla Conversion

More To Come

Many Minecraft creators are working on ambitious RTX projects that we’re looking forward to experiencing and sharing with you. And there’s plenty of other Minecraft with RTX ‘stuff’ in the works – for details, stay tuned to GeForce.com.

Oh, and if you haven’t done so already, be sure to enter our Minecraft with RTX World Sweepstakes for a chance to win a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti and other great Minecraft prizes. You can even feature your own worlds and Resource Packs in your entry!

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