NVIDIA® Cumulus® VX is a free virtual machine (VM) that enables cloud admins and network engineers to preview and test all the features of Cumulus® Linux at their own pace with zero cost.
Get to know Cumulus® Linux and open networking principles.
Build sandboxes and prototype network operations before you commit.
Develop and script portable, custom applications—completely risk free.
Cumulus® VX is a virtual appliance that helps potential customers and partners get familiar with NVIDIA networking technology, while providing existing customers and partners a platform to prototype network operations and develop custom applications prior to deploying into a production environment. Without the need of a bare-metal switch or specialized hardware, Cumulus® VX runs on all popular hypervisors, making traditional networking protocols such as Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and Multi-Chassis Link Aggregation (MLAG) and NVIDIA Cumulus®-specific technologies such as the Open Network Install Environment (ONIE) and Prescriptive Topology Manager (PTM) available for testing and configuration.
Unlike Cumulus® Linux, Cumulus® VX is not meant to run on production switches or carry production data traffic. It doesn’t have an actual ASIC or network processing unit (NPU) for line-rate performance or hardware acceleration. Cumulus® Linux's switch package is omitted from the VX offering. Additionally, Cumulus® VX does not come with the usual Cumulus® Linux product level of support and QA resources.
Data center cloud admins and network engineers can leverage Cumulus® VX. Some use cases for Cumulus® VX include (but are not limited to):
Cumulus® VX can run in the following environments:
With GNS3
With Vagrant
With GNS3
With Workstation
With Fusion
With ESXi
There is no upgrade support for Cumulus® VX. Images will be released for Cumulus® VX for every Cumulus® Linux release. You cannot upgrade Cumulus® VX using apt-get upgrade|update and will have to install the new version from scratch. However, you can use apt-get to install additional software packages, whether they're Cumulus® Linux-specific or Debian-specific.
Cumulus® VX is not a production-ready virtual switch or virtual router. It’s not intended for use in a production environment.
Dive into 3 examples of VXLAN design: Gateway on an internet edge service, centralized routing and BGP EVPN with Anycast Gateway.
Explore technical documentation for detailed instructions on how to use Cumulus® VX, Cumulus® Linux, and other NVIDIA networking products.
Learn how to get started quickly with this command line cheatsheet.