NVIDIA has 128 concurrent users for each evaluation license. NVIDIA made this change in response to the increased demand from organizations.
You should receive a response within 24 hours of your request. If you don’t receive a response within this time frame, please check your email’s spam and junk folders. In addition, please note that registration will be denied if you didn’t use a corporate/business email address.
You can reapply by filling out the application form again using your corporate email address.
The trial license is intended to a one-time, 90-day license. For enterprises needing a longer evaluation time, we recommend contacting one of our expert partners to begin a proof of concept. Find an NVIDIA Partner Network (NPN) GPU Virtualization Partner at www.nvidia.com/object/vgpu-software-partners.html.
For additional support, please contact your NVIDIA sales representative or fill out the form below to request a second 90-day eval license.
The registration approval email will include directions on how to access your account and our licensing portal. If you’ve already registered and set up your account, you can log in at nvid.nvidia.com/dashboard/.
Please fill out the form or calling the number listed below and an NVIDIA representative will be able to help answer your questions.
On the NVIDIA login screen, click on “Forgot password?" to reset your password.
To purchase virtual GPU software and NVIDIA GPUs, please contact one of our NVIDIA Partner Network (NPN) partners at www.nvidia.com/object/vgpu-software-partners.html or your NVIDIA sales representative. The complete list of NVIDIA GPU virtualization partners can be found at www.nvidia.com/object/partner-locator.html. In addition, you can visit www.nvidia.com/en-us/design-visualization/buy-grid/ to review the four easy steps for buying an NVIDIA virtual GPU solution.
First, make sure your 90-day trial period hasn’t expired. For other issues, contact an NVIDIA representative below.
Access the quick start guide to downloading and installing licenses as well as a license server.
If your trial has ended, you’ll receive a message that the system failed to acquire a license. The 90-day trial period begins when your Product Activation Key has been redeemed in the licensing portal. The beginning and end date of the evaluation is listed in the portal, which can be accessed at nvid.nvidia.com/dashboard/. Other options for viewing license properties can be found in the License Server UI.
Please contact your NVIDIA sales representative to discuss the request.
Please contact your NVIDIA sales representative or NVIDIA sales team through the form or phone numbers below.