한국 주요 이벤트

27 sessions
October 2024
, Solution Architect, NVIDIA
NVIDIA 이민형 솔루션 아키텍트가 NVIDIA Reference Architecture에 대해 소개합니다. LLM 학습을 지원하는 하이퍼스케일 AI 데이터 센터에 대한 수요가 급증하고 있습니다. NVIDIA의 AI Factory는 이러한 AI 데이터센터를 위한 최적의 청사진을 제시합니다. 본 세션에서는 AI 인프라의 주요 특징을 분석하고, 특히 네트워크 인프라를 중심으로 NVIDIA AI Factory를 구성하는 핵심 기술들을 심도 있게 배워가실 수 있습니다.참고 : 본 영상은 2024년 10월 15일에 진행된 NVIIDA
October 2024
NVIDIA 정구형 솔루션 아키텍트 팀장은 LLM 학습시 장애 유형별 대응 가이드에 대해 소개합니다. LLM 학습 시 발생할 수 있는 문제는 다양할 뿐만 아니라 그 원인 또한 하드웨어에서부터 개발자가 작성한 코드에 이르기까지 다양합니다. 본 세션에서는 다수의 LLM 프로젝트를 지원하면서 쌓은 경험을 통해 LLM 학습시 발생되는 문제와 해결 사례에 대해 확인하실 수 있습니다.참고 : 본 영상은 2024년 10월 15일에 진행된 NVIIDA Experts Day 세션 내용을 녹화한 영상입니다.
September 2024
, NVAITC, Solution Architect, NVIDIA
Following up on the first webinar in July, the Korea NIM developer webinar focused on healthcare, exploring innovations in medical LLM and drug discovery using the latest AI tools. In the first part, LLM and RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) features were introduced to biological researchers and
July 2024
Don’t miss your chance to learn how NVIDIA NIM can transform your generative AI projects and help you build and deploy AI applications in minutes, not weeks. In this developer meetup, you’ll learn key features and key applications of NVIDIA’s cutting-edge inference microservices and experience a
May 2024
, Solutions Architect, NVIDIA
, Solutions Architect, NVIDIA
For those of you who were unable to attend the in-person event in San Jose, NVIDIA brought back the “Korean AI Expert Day,” the only Korean session at GTC 2024. NVIDIA experts were on hand to summarize the content of CEO Jensen Huang's GTC keynote, as well as share industry AI trends and
December 2023
, Solutions Architect, NVIDIA
Optimizing and deploying LLMs on self-managed hardware—whether in the cloud or on premises–can produce tangible efficiency, data governance, and cost improvements for organizations operating at scale. We'll discuss open, commercially licensed LLMs that run on commonly available hardware and
December 2023
Push LLMs beyond the quality limits of off-the-shelf models and APIs by customizing them for domain-specific applications. We'll discuss strategies for preparing datasets and showcase gains from different forms of customization using practical, real-world examples. We will also outline strategies to build RAG
December 2023
Learn practical methods for designing and implementing LLM-powered systems on real-world business data using popular, ready-to-go LLM APIs—no specialized hardware, model training, or tricky deployment required. We'll show techniques for engineering effective inputs to the models (“prompts”) and how to
March 2023
, Director, Korea Institute of Startup & Entrepreneurship Development
, CEO, Portrai Inc.
, CEO, Neurocle Inc.
, CEO, Fliption Inc.
, Developer Marketing Manager, NVIDIA
, Researcher, Complaction
N&up(엔업) 프로그램은 중소벤처기업부와 엔비디아가 글로벌 기업 협업 프로그램의 일환으로 진행한 프로그램으로, 30개 초기 AI 스타트업의 빠른 성장과 글로벌 확장을 지원하고 있으며 올해 4년째 진행되는 프로그램입니다. 이번 Inception 라운드테이블을 통해 NVIDIA 기술로 강화된 한국 유망 AI 인셉션 스타트업을 만나보고 N&up 프로그램 멤버사인 포트래이, 뉴로클, 컴플렉시온, 플립션의 성공 비결을 알아보십시오. 중소벤처기업부의 사업화 지원과 엔비디아의 인셉션 프로그램이 공동 협력을 통해 AI 학습&추론, 비전
March 2023
, NVAITC, Solution Architect, NVIDIA
과학자들은 자연과 현상을 이해하는데 수학적 모델링과 시뮬레이션을 이용하였습니다. 최근 다양한 과학계산 분야의 연구에 인공지능을 적용하고 있습니다. 알파폴드와 로제타폴드 등의 인공지능 모델을 통해 3차원 단백질의 구조를 예측할 수 있게 되었고, 언어모델을 화학식을 이해하는데 사용하여 신약을 개발하는데 활용되고 있습니다. 본 세션에서는 NVIDIA PhysicsNeMo 를 이용하여 PINN(Physics Informed Neural Network)을 구축하는 방법과 FourCastNet을 통한 날씨예측방법에 대하 살
March 2023
, Principal Research Scientist, Omniverse, NVIDIA
본 발표에서는 NVIDIA Omniverse와 Omniverse를 활용한 디지털 휴먼 기술들을 (애니메이션, 렌더링, 인공지능 기반 아바타) 소개합니다. 애니메이션 분야의 기술로 인공지능을 활용한 Audio2Face, Audio2Gesture, 그리고 Animation graph system을 소개하고 각각의 사용 예시를 설명합니다. 렌더링 기술 분야에서는 사실적인 피부 표현을 할 수 있는 interactive path-tracer와 real-time ray-tracer, 그리고 live portrait (neural rendering
March 2023
, CTO, RECON Labs, Inc.
, CTO & Co-founder, Supertone
, CEO, Plask
, CEO & Founder, Klleon
, Developer Relations Manager, NVIDIA
생성형 AI (Generative AI)는 메가트론 튜링 NLG 530B(Megatron Turing NLG 530B)와 같은 기본 모델을 바탕으로 새로운 텍스트, 코드, 디지털 이미지, 비디오 또는 오디오를 생성하는 자율 학습 알고리즘의 기반이 되고 있으며 AI 분야에서 빠르게 발전하고 있는 분야입니다. 특히, 메타버스의 모든 면을 혁신하여 제조, 전자상거래, 디지털 휴먼, 자율주행에 이르기까지 전세계 다양한 활용 사례에 이미 활용되고 있습니다. Inception 스타트업 쇼케이스를 통해 Generative AI 기술을 한 단계
March 2023
, Senior Deep Learning Software Engineer, SK Telecom
, Solutions Architect team manager at NVIDIA Korea, NVIDIA
, Korea Enterprise Country Sales Lead, NVIDIA
, Developer Marketing Manager, NVIDIA
, Co-founder, Nota AI
이번 GTC 2023 AI 개발자 밋업은 한국 AI와 Jetson 개발자들이 꼭 참석해야 하는 행사입니다. GTC에 맞춰 파인 튜닝된 주요 NVIDIA 기술 업데이트, 글로벌 트렌드, 솔루션 및 데모와 함께 실제 사용 사례를 공유하기 위해 한국 주요 GTC 발표자와 NVIDIA 기술 전문가를 초대합니다. 이번 밋업을 통해 AI의 미래에 대한 인사이트를 확인할 수 있습니다. 본 세션은 한국어로 진행합니다.
March 2023
, Solutions Architect, NVIDIA
The topics of this event are Large Language Model (LLM) and Speech AI (Riva). Learn more about global technology trends, solution updates, hands-on demo and best practices.1.Large Language Model - Code intelligence with large language modelsLarge Language Model (LLM) is a major advancement in AI that
March 2023
, Developer Relations Manager Robotics & AI, NVIDIA
Edge AI & Embedded Market: From 'Trend Review' to ‘Success Stories’AI market is emerging, and AI integration is actively taking place in various industries such as 'Smart City', 'Robotics', and 'Transportation'. For NVIDIA Jetson Developer Meetup, co-hosted by NVIDIA and MDSTech, Check out
January 2023
Edge AI & Embedded Market: From 'Trend Review' to ‘Success Stories’AI market is emerging, and AI integration is actively taking place in various industries such as 'Smart City', 'Robotics', and 'Transportation'. For NVIDIA Jetson Developer Meetup, co-hosted by NVIDIA and MDSTech, Check out
October 2022
, MDSTech
, Nota
Jetson Developer Meetup - The Future of Edge AI: From Robotics to MetropolisNVIDIA Jetson Orin, NVIDIA's second-generation processor for robotics, is a world-changing home run in the virtual world. Check out the future of Edge AI, ranging from robotics to Metropolis, through a special meet-up for Korean
October 2022
AI Developer Meetup for NVIDIA GTC recap filled with new technologiesGTC 2022 unveiled advances in natural language understanding, metaverse, gaming and AI technologies that impact all industries from transportation to healthcare, finance and entertainmentFrom enhancing the gaming experience with
July 2022
, Developer Technology Engineer, NVIDIA
, Allxon Inc.
The Jetson Developer Meetup is a special event open to developers at all levels. We'll show you the latest innovations in autonomous machines and edge AI applications through a developer event that includes industry-leading Jetson-based startups and deep dive sessions with Jetson platform experts.In this
July 2022
This session is DeepStream Hands-on Demo session and a part of Jetson Developer Meetup.The Jetson Developer Meetup is a special event open to developers at all levels. We'll show you the latest innovations in autonomous machines and edge AI applications through a developer event that
July 2022
This session is Isaac Sim talk session and a part of Jetson Developer Meetup.The Jetson Developer Meetup is a special event open to developers at all levels. We'll show you the latest innovations in autonomous machines and edge AI applications through a developer event that includes industry-
July 2022
, Solutions Architect, NVIDIA
End-to-End Acceleration Technology for Deep Learning Model LearningThe second meetup with the theme of deep learning model learning optimization, covers a variety of acceleration techniques to help you train end-to-end AI models.As deep learning neural networks become increasingly complex,
April 2022
The future of robotics. Meet NVIDIA JetsonNVIDIA Jetson Developer Meetup – Robotics will showcase powerful drivers that will lead the future of Robotics. NVIDIA launches the world's most powerful and compact AI supercomputer NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin developer kit at GTC 2022 and once again leads the
April 2022
Introduction of know-how to apply an easy and fast deep learning inference acceleration solutionWhat should be considered in order to apply the deep learning model learned with NVIDIA GPU to production for actual inference? from .predict() and .forward() functions, NVIDIA will propose a unique solution to
February 2022
, Solutions Architect, NVIDIA
Learn how to build world-class Speech AI applications Join NVIDIA AI Developer Meetup – Speech AI and learn how to bring AI speech to every industry. AI speech is transforming the way enterprises interact with and support their customers across all industries. NVIDIA Riva provides state-of-the-art models,
April 2021
, Samsung Card
, SK Telecom
, Hyundai Motor Group
Join us for the after-party event of GTC—the Korea AI Developer Meetup. We've learned from GTC that we can transform the future together by discovering and implementing advanced technologies in the real world. For this event, the Korea team invites all AI developers to continue their mission with us. We'll
October 2020
, Lunit
, StradVision
, VUNO Inc.
, QRAFT Technologies
, SI Analytics
Witness the latest AI startup innovations out of Korea, featuring SI Analytics, VUNO, QRAFT Technologies, and Lunit.