Accelerating the Digital Map that Scales Across All Levels of Automated Driving
, TomTom
Digital maps are one of the four pillars of autonomous driving. Together with onboard sensors, driving policy, and actuators, they form the technology that enables automated and assisted driving. The highest level of sophistication of the map for automated driving comes from high definition (HD) features, which enable the safest and most advanced automated driving applications. Willem Strijbosch, head of autonomous driving at TomTom, will highlight the fundamental principles of maps for automated driving and how they contribute to safety. He'll discuss the remaining challenge of how to determine where and when AD can be safely activated by using HD map data and TomTom's new RoadCheck. Willem will also discuss how to reduce Reality2Map time to increase automated driving safety, and how TomTom's collaboration with NVIDIA has contributed to this effort. TomTom's maps are embedded in over 3 million vehicles for advanced driving assistance technology today.