AI For Good: Intersecting Humanity and Intelligent Systems
, AI Startups Lead - South Asia, NVIDIA
, Founder, karaAgro
, Executive Director, Deloitte Global AI Institute, Deloitte
, Co-founder and Head of Partnerships, VoiceItt
Human intelligence has always found ways to connect machines with nature and humanity. As we begin to harness the power of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science in our everyday lives, we also raise complex ethical and social questions associated with bias, fairness, and transparency of algorithmic intelligence. Join us to enrich your understanding of human-AI interaction, and how these questions will touch upon AI research, entrepreneurship, education, and policies. Our panel will dissect industry trends on making our world more equitable with the help of AI. The session will feature such eminent speakers as: • Beena Ammanath, head of Deloitte AI Institute & Ethics in AI —California • Sara Smolley, Co-founder and Head of Partnerships, VoiceItt — Israel • Darlington Akogo, founder, MinoHealth , KaraAgro AI — Ghana