How General Motors Explores Future Automated Workflows Using a Single ‘Live’ USD Dataset with Omniverse
, Immersive Software Development Manager, General Motors
, Immersive Lab Engineer / Visualization Specialist, General Motors
Current GM workflows use digital data exported from many different digital content creation programs (Autodesk Alias, Siemens NX, JT, Blender, Maya, and Rhino/Grasshopper) into different file formats. The exported files are “dead” data with no history or ability to be easily updated. This “dead” data is then imported into various visualization and simulation softwares that are individually prepped and optimized based on their final use case. When changes come down the line, the process is to manually remove old data and add the new data. We'll look at what the future could be using a single “live” dataset with Universal Scene Description (USD) throughout the entire workflow. We'll walk through our testing of Alias, JT, and Teamcenter in USD format with different Live Link setups. After this session you'll walk away with a better understanding of the issues and challenges in the automotive design process and how USD and Omniverse could improve future workflows.