We're always looking for the most amazing people to join the NVIDIA Research team.
NVIDIA Research is seeking outstanding researchers for positions in the areas of computer architecture, programming systems, VLSI, circuits, networking, computer graphics, display technology, computational photography, computer vision, and machine learning. NVIDIA Research is developing technologies to improve the efficiency and programmability of future GPUs, as well as increase their applicability to a wider range of applications.
Topic areas include but are not limited to parallel systems, programming languages, energy-efficient architectures, compilers, mobile computer architectures, interconnection networks, design automation, memory systems, architectures for computer vision and machine learning, and low-power circuits. NVIDIA Research also works to advance the frontier of visual computing, including algorithms and architectures for real-time rendering, virtual and augmented reality, display technology, light transport, machine learning, computer vision, computational photography and computational sensing, and human-computer interfaces.