Programs for Educators

Enhance your AI, data science, and accelerated computing curriculum with access to GPUs, course materials, and hands-on training.

Demand for graduates with AI skills is booming, and the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) provides resources to help you give your students hands-on experience in areas like deep learning, accelerated computing, and robotics.

Educator Resources

Enhancing Curricula with NVIDIA Teaching Kits

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Teaching Kits

DLI Teaching Kits are available to qualified university educators interested in course solutions across data science, deep learning, accelerated computing, and robotics. Comprehensive and modular, you can integrate lecture materials, hands-on exercises, GPU cloud resources, and more into your curriculum.

Learn more about NVIDIA Teaching Kits

University Ambassador Program

Qualified university educators are eligible for instructor certification through the DLI Ambassador Program, enabling delivery of DLI workshops to university students, researchers, and faculty. You’re encouraged to download the DLI Teaching Kits and then consider applying for the Ambassador Program for additional benefits.

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Bring AI Education and Training to Your University with NVIDIA

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DLI and Teaching Kit content is the best material for students’ development of deep learning skills. Upon completion of DLI courses, beginners gain valuable experience, and I’ve learned many teaching skills through delivering DLI courses

- Young-Gon Kim, Researcher and DLI University Ambassador, Asan Medical Center/University of Ulsan, South Korea

The ‘Fundamentals of Deep Learning’ course offered through NVIDIA’s Deep Learning Institute provided faculty from different KENET member universities a great opportunity to get up-to-date training on this important topic. The instructor-led training was rigorous but concise, comprehensive, insightful, and a practical introduction to deep learning. I am looking forward to new research areas and applications that will emerge from this training.

- Dr. Meoli Kashorda, Executive Director of KENET, the National Research & Education Network of Kenya

Hundreds of universities have certified DLI University Ambassadors, including:

Featured Resources

Bringing AI to the Classroom: NVIDIA’s Deep Learning Teaching Kit

NVIDIA’s higher-education leadership and Pawel Morkisz, assistant professor of mathematics at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, discuss the Deep Learning Teaching Kit, co-developed with Professor Yann LeCun and his team at New York University.

How to Become an Ambassador for Deep Learning

Learn about the NVIDIA DLI and University Ambassador Program and hear real examples of how leading academics are involved with the Ambassador Program.

Learn and Accelerate with GPU Mentors by Your Side

The GPU Hackathon and Bootcamp program pairs computational and domain scientists with experienced GPU mentors to teach them the parallel computing skills they need to accelerate their work.

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