Poster Gallery

Explore research posters from the brightest minds across all industries showcasing how accelerated computing and AI are transforming the way they work.

160+ research posters on AI, Data Science, and more.

160+ Research Posters

Dive into the world of cutting-edge research with the brilliant minds making it happen. We'll be showcasing over 160 research posters spanning a wide array of exciting topics, from AI to Data Science. See them in person on March 17th or through the attendee portal from March 17-21.

Poster Reception with Bill Dally – March 17, 5–7 p.m.

Poster Reception

Join us in person at the Historic Civic Center on March 17, from 5–7 p.m. for drinks, delicious appetizers, and the chance to explore fascinating posters. It will feature a special kick-off from Bill Dally, Chief Scientist and Senior Vice President of Research at NVIDIA. Chat with researchers from around the globe about their groundbreaking work.

Posters will be available the week of GTC. Check back in February for more details.

Catch Up on Legacy GTC Posters Using NVIDIA On-Demand

Explore industry-defining breakthroughs from past GTC events.

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