Projektuj przyszłość architektury, inżynierii, Budownictwa I Eksploatacji

Transforming AECO from Concept to Construction

The design, construction, and operation of buildings and infrastructure brings complex challenges. To meet them, architecture, engineering, construction and operations (AECO) companies worldwide use NVIDIA technologies to optimize designs, mitigate hazards, and collaborate more effectively, even when working remotely. With breakthroughs in AI, 3D graphics virtualization, virtual reality (VR), and collaboration solutions like NVIDIA Omniverse, firms are transforming their workflows to reimagine our world’s future.

Accelerate Design Workflows

Advanced technologies, such as immersive VR, real-time ray tracing, and 3D graphics virtualization, are vastly improving design and visualization of BIM models while boosting productivity and innovation.

Enable Data-Driven Decision Making

With GPU-powered data science and AI, AECO teams can tap into vast amounts of data—including design, environmental, simulation, and structural—to gain insights into everything from traffic flows to weather conditions.

Ensure Safety, Maximize Cost Savings

GPU-powered AI and robotics power autonomous vehicles on construction sites, enable real-time construction site safety compliance monitoring, and automate more accurate infrastructure inspection.

Optimizing AECO Workflows with NVIDIA Technologies

  • Design
  • Build
  • Operate

Real-Time Architectural Visualization

AEC firms worldwide rely on NVIDIA advanced visual computing technologies to accelerate their workflows as they collaborate on building and infrastructure design. Architects, engineers, and designers use NVIDIA RTX-powered workstations to power real-time ray tracing, virtual reality, engineering simulation, and AI-enabled applications. NVIDIA RTX Virtual Workstation (vWS) software provides desktop-level graphics performance for design teams working remotely on large, complex BIM models. And with NVIDIA Omniverse for AEC, a graphics and simulation platform that enables real-time collaboration on photorealistic digital twins, project teams can transform the conceptual design process.

RTX brings capabilities of photorealism that are just unprecedented.

— Owen Coffee, HKS Architects

More Efficient Construction Workflows

AEC teams count on leading-edge solutions powered by NVIDIA technology to speed up workflows, boost collaboration, minimize rework, and enhance safety. NVIDIA RTX VR Ready professional GPUs provide unparalleled immersive experiences for virtual construction rehearsals and safety and maintenance training. NVIDIA virtual GPU technology delivers accelerated virtual desktops that enable mobile access and secure remote collaboration. Deep learning-enabled safety monitoring tools trained using NVIDIA GPUs help ensure jobsite safety for construction crews. AI-augmented robots assist with measuring progress and quality of the built environment, and autonomous construction vehicles safely and cost-effectively speed the building process.

The biggest result is being able to multitask using different software applications and make changes on the fly while you’re meeting with clients.

— Tom Bossow, Mortenson

Smart Cities

AI has revolutionized smart solutions to create more sustainable cities, maintain infrastructure, and improve public services for residents and communities. It all starts with the ability to gather data from trillions of sensors and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices and transform complex video data into actionable insights. The NVIDIA Metropolis platform provides cutting-edge technology and an extensive developer ecosystem that helps create, deploy, and manage AI-based video analytics applications.

With NVIDIA Metropolis and Deepstream SDK, Esri is helping cities improve mobility and urban planning by extracting key insights about traffic patterns from massive streams of highly unstructured data.

— Omar Maher, Esri

Digital transformation has come to AECO, and it promises to have a major impact on the design review process. Download this report to discover some of the key technology trends that will impact AECO design review in the coming years.


AECO teams need powerful solutions that deliver advanced visualization, real-time collaboration and photorealistic simulation to enhance concept design workflows. Read about the latest advanced technologies in Part 1 of the three-part AECO E-Guide Series.



Digital transformation has come to AECO, and it promises to have a major impact on the design review process. Download this report to discover some of the key technology trends that will impact AECO design review in the coming years.


NVIDIA is a trusted technology partner for architecture, engineering, and construction professionals worldwide. Discover how our leading technologies are playing a key role in transforming building and infrastructure design workflows, enabling AECO firms to reimagine our world’s future.

  • Webinars
  • Customer Stories
  • Blogs
Image courtesy of Horizon Productions

Extending Reality in AEC with High-Fidelity Streaming

Learn how NVIDIA CloudXR delivers high-fidelity XR content to users, anywhere, on almost any device.

Image courtesy of Enscape

Introducing the Latest Technology in Real-Time Visualization

Learn how NVIDIA and Enscape have played a crucial role in bringing rapid, high-quality rendering and visualizations to the AEC industry.

Image courtesy of Gould Evans

Empowering Architectural Design Teams with Virtualization

Learn how a leading architecture and design company improved collaboration among on-site and remote designers.


Global Architecture Studio Accelerates and Enhances Collaboration and Visualizations

Woods Bagot uses NVIDIA Omniverse and NVIDIA RTX technology to accelerate design workflows and pipelines, while simultaneously collaborating on an open platform. 

Image courtesy of Theia Interactive

Bringing New Light to Real-Time Configurators With NVIDIA RTX and AI

Theia Interactive uses NVIDIA DLSS and RTXGI to generate photorealistic images and interactive scenes for clients.

Image courtesy of Studio 4D

Interactive Visualization Brings New Sites to Life with NVIDIA RTX and AI

Studio 4D uses NVIDIA RTX and DLSS to create an interactive cloud-based visualization of the National Landing in Washington D.C. for lead developer JBG SMITH.


Enscape Advances Architectural Visualization with NVIDIA’s AI-Powered Rendering Technology

With Enscape supporting DLSS, it’s now easier for architects and designers to harness the power of AI and boost the realism and performance of architectural visualization workflows.

Image courtesy of Kohn Pedersen Fox

Architecture Firm Brings New Structure to Design Workflows with Real-Time Rendering and Virtual Collaboration

With NVIDIA Omniverse and NVIDIA RTX, Kohn Pedersen Fox simultaneously collaborates on designs and delivers interactive design reviews.

Image provided courtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects.

XR Delivers New Foundations for AEC Industry

From design reviews with clients to construction rehearsals, virtual reality has proved its value in the architectural, engineering and construction industry.

Solutions for AECO

NVIDIA Omniverse for AEC


With NVIDIA Omniverse for AECO, architects and designers can iterate on concepts more effectively and present compelling visualizations of models faster. Collaboration and communication are fundamentally transformed with Omniverse running on any RTX-powered machine—from laptop to data center.

NVIDIA RTX-powered desktop and mobile workstations


NVIDIA RTX-powered desktop and mobile workstations deliver the high performance AECO project teams need to meet today’s most demanding workflows.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

Virtual GPU

AECO project teams can experience all the benefits of virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), such as mobility and security, while gaining the ability to work smoothly with their graphics-intensive software tools.

GPU Rendering
Image courtesy of Suffolk-Yates

GPU Rendering

GPU-accelerated, physically based, real-time rendering delivers incredibly realistic and accurate 3D models to speed design decisions, boost innovation, and help keep AECO projects on track.

 Virtual Reality Improves Design & Visualization Workflows

Extended Reality

Innovations in technology, such as NVIDIA CloudXR, are enhancing high-fidelity augmented reality workflows and freeing users from the traditional tethered connection for virtual reality experiences. Immersive VR improves 3D design and visualization workflows throughout the entire building design process and even beyond, to training and marketing. Watch Demo

 NVIDIA enterprise GPUs offer the power and performance
Image courtesy of Ansys


AECO teams are adopting simulation earlier in the design process. NVIDIA enterprise GPUs offer the power and performance to accelerate even the most complex simulation workflows.

Poznaj najnowsze sesje AECO z GTC na żądanie

Poznaj najnowsze innowacje, które pomagają architektom, inżynierom i projektantom nadążyć za zaawansowanymi procesami pracy. Zobacz co nowego w AI, projektowaniu zespołowym, zaawansowanych wizualizacjach i innych dziedzinach.

  • Przewidywanie wydajności bez kamienia Rosetta

    • Donald Greenberg | Profesor Uniwersytetu Cornella

    Większość kreatywnych projektantów lubi dokumentować swoje oryginalne myśli i twórcze pomysły poprzez szkicowanie, bazgranie na odwrocie kopert lub tworzenie prostych modeli. Na tym etapie innowacji trudno jest przewidzieć wykonalność projektów, ich zużycie energii, wpływ na środowisko, bezpieczeństwo konstrukcji, koszty, a nawet wykorzystanie w dłuższej przyszłości. Jak możemy dokładniej przewidzieć przyszłą wydajność zbudowanego środowiska na tych wczesnych etapach projektowania? Podczas tej sesji posłuchaj, jak eksperci opisują nowy, roczny kurs dla studentów studiów licencjackich, od szkicu po symulację, „New Digital Tools for the Design in the 21st Century” (Nowe narzędzia cyfrowe dla projektowania w XXI wieku), oparty na Omniverse firmy NVIDIA.

    Zobacz szczegóły >

  • Jak wizualizacja pomaga tworzyć doskonałą architekturę

    • Huw Roberts | CEO, Graphisoft
    • Bob Pette | Wiceprezes ds. profesjonalnej wizualizacji, NVIDIA

    Zapraszamy do rozmowy z prezesem firmy Graphisoft, Huwem Robertsem, oraz starszym wiceprezesem firmy NVIDIA, Bobem Pette, którzy dyskutują o tym, jak technologie wpływają na nowy świat pracy hybrydowej, cyfrowych bliźniaków, rzeczywistości rozszerzonej, renderingu, symulacji (w tym uczenia maszynowego/AI) oraz modelowania informacji o budynku. Huw jest znany w branży architektonicznej, inżynieryjnej, budowlanej i operacyjnej ze swojej długofalowej wizji i tego, jak technologia może pomóc w rozwiązywaniu wyzwań związanych z innowacyjnością.

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  • Projektowanie na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju w Omniverse

    • Sebastian Misiruek | Globalny Specjalista ds. obliczeń projektowych, Woods Bagot
    • Tianmin | Lider w dziedzinie technologii projektowych, Woods Bagot

    Dowiedz się, w jaki sposób architekci z Woods Bagot wykorzystują Omniverse do promowania zrównoważonego rozwoju w architekturze, inżynierii i budownictwie, łącząc punkty za pomocą symulacji środowiskowych i wizualizacji w czasie rzeczywistym. Tworząc połączenia między zespołami i lokalizacjami, Omniverse pozwala projektantom i specjalistom na poznanie i zrozumienie działania środowiska w spójnym środowisku wizualnym. Dowiedz się, jak praca na różnych platformach CAD i w różnych silnikach symulacyjnych jest możliwa w tym środowisku współpracy, jednocześnie sprawiając, że wydajność zrównoważonego rozwoju jest wizualnie imponująca i dostępna dla wszystkich naszych partnerów.

    Zobacz szczegóły >


GPU-Accelerated Software

Ansys Logo
Autodesk Logo
Bentley Systems Logo
Chaos Group Logo
Dassault Systemes Logo
Enscape Logo
Foundry Logo
Rhinoceros Logo
Twinmotion Logo
Unity Logo
Unreal Engine Logo

NVIDIA Partners Offering Validated Solutions

Explore our NVIDIA Partner Network (NPN) partners who have enterprise-grade, production-ready, GPU-optimized applications that have been tested and validated for performance by NVIDIA.

  • Collaboration
  • Geospatial Analytics
Bentley logo

Bentley’s iTwin platform enables engineering firms and owner-operators to model, manage and visualize live construction information in 2D, 3D, and 4D so that you can better track project performance and make better, faster, data-driven decisions. Users are able to leverage tools such as MicroStation Connect for modeling and LumenRT for high fidelity visualization.


ArcGIS improves project management and workflows for AECO firms with ready-to-use maps to quickly deliver projects related to urban design, utilities and infrastructure, and natural resources solutions. Analyze projects, deliver essential workflows, collaborate real-time and share asset information with your stakeholders.


Trimble Connected Construction is capable of serving and connecting all stakeholders (architects, engineers, project managers) across the lifecycle of construction projects. This leverages products such as Trimble SketchUp for 3D design cycles and connecting to Omniverse for collaboration, and Omniverse Isaac Sim for synthetic data generation and construction simulation.


ArcGIS provides the toolset to help transform massive spatial data into manageable, actionable information. Expose patterns, relationships, anomalies, and incidents in massive amounts of spatial data, regardless of format and source. Use distributed processing and deep learning for object and change detection, classification, and terrain analysis on a global scale to make sense of massive imagery collections.

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