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NVIDIA IGX Orin™ 是高效能的人工智慧平台,具備工業級硬體、企業軟體與支援。IGX 專為工業和醫療環境打造,可提供領先業界的效能、安全性和功能安全,並提供 10 年的生命週期和支援。
為硬體與軟體提供長達 10 年的支援保固,確保產品能夠長久使用
IGX 可量產,結合工業級節能硬體與企業軟體和支援。
NVIDIA IGX Orin 的設計是專為邊緣端所需的規模和電力範圍提供超高速效能。其中包含全球最強大的人工智慧電腦,專為節能自動化裝置打造,提供每秒 248 兆次浮點運算 (TOPS) 的人工智慧效能;若選用 NVIDIA RTX™ A6000 GPU,則可達到 867 兆次浮點運算效能。IGX Orin 也包含 NVIDIA® ConnectX®-7 智慧型網路介面卡 (SmartNIC),可提供精準計時和高速資料串流。
此外,也包含遠端部署,內建功能安全機制和微控制器單元 (sMCU),可透過軟體延伸程式設計,並在自動化環境下提供主動安全防護。
NVIDIA 為 IGX 軟體堆疊提供 10 年支援,其中包括企業級商用作業系統 IGX 作業系統,以及 NVIDIA AI Enterprise 支援的 NVIDIA 人工智慧堆疊。軟體堆疊經過安全強化,並包含一流的安全性與安全功能。
不僅如此,IGX 亦包含用於遠端系統管理和軟體更新的主機板管理控制器 (BMC) 和軟體堆疊、可提供外部信任根的安全開機控制器,以及搭載了即時作業系統 (RTOS) 的專用安全監控器與內建安全監控軟體。
NVIDIA IGX 軟體堆疊已公開接受評估和開發。
在靈活、自動化且安全的未來工廠裡,人類與機器人攜手合作,提高效率並增加安全。 在 NVIDIA IGX 上執行的 NVIDIA Metropolis 可利用所有可用感測器資料的分析,將整個工廠變身為智慧空間。
智慧機器協助強化智慧醫院中醫生、護士和外科醫生等工作內容,透過人工智慧可改善病患治療成效。在 IGX 上執行的 NVIDIA Holoscan 可為臨床邊緣提供即時人工智慧,讓開發人員得以更快速推出新一代人工智慧醫療設備。
若要購買 IGX Orin 開發套件,請洽詢經銷商。如果以下選項無法滿足您的需求,請聯絡我們以取得更多資訊。
使用 NVIDIA IGX Orin 開發套件加速邊緣人工智慧應用程式開發,此套件包含機殼和電源供應,可提供工業級的高效能邊緣人工智慧。
As part of our ongoing collaboration with NVIDIA to speed digital transformation, Siemens will bring IGX technologies to our industrial compute portfolio to help reduce repetitive tasks in the factory and better support workers. By more closely connecting smart devices on the factory floor and using that data for intelligent machine operation in production, we can increase efficiency and flexibility for our customers.
— Rainer Brehm, CEO, Factory Automation, Siemens
As factories strive for increased overall equipment effectiveness and reduced process downtime, Orin IGX and Ubuntu deliver the perfect combination of high performance, built-in functional safety, end-to-end security, and long-term support. By delivering proactive safety in regulated environments, we can now predict machine failure based on vibrations before they happen. With proactive part replacement and by preventing downtime, we are bringing the future of industrial automation forward.
— Edoardo Barbieri, Product Manager, Canonical
NVIDIA Clara Holoscan will help us optimize precious engineering resources and go to market faster. With Clara Holoscan and NVIDIA IGX, we envision that our intraoperative AI solution will transform the collective surgical experience with data-driven insights, helping make world-class surgery accessible for all.
— Tom Calef, Chief Technology Officer, Activ Surgical
Organizations, in almost every industry, are rapidly entering a new era where intelligent and autonomous machines are directly interacting with humans. We are working with NVIDIA to bring the best cloud-native practices and techniques to the edge where data from an array of sensors and cameras has to be acted upon, effectively helping customers close the chasm between traditional enterprise IT systems and functionally safe OT systems.
— Kris Murphy, computational infrastructure team lead at Red Hat