使用 NVIDIA 技術的資料科學工作站

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數據正在從根本改變公司拓展商機的方式,隨著工作流程複雜性的增加,對於資料科學家的需求也日益增加。透過使用 NVIDIA 技術的資料科學工作站,可快速將海量數據集轉化為洞察力,並創造令人驚豔的客戶體驗。這些工作站由業界領先的工作站供應商打造而成,結合 NVIDIA RTX 和 NVIDIA Quadro RTX 專業級 GPU 的強大功能,搭載 CUDA-X AI 資料科學加速軟體,提供新一代集所有效能為一體的桌上型和移動型工作站。 

現在,每次查看數據時,我們都會發現一些可以立即利用的新內容,這些皆歸功於使用 NVIDIA 架構的資料科學工作站。 RAPIDS、Datalogue 和 OmniSci 軟體的結合徹底改變了我們蒐集、處理、視覺化與理解數據的方式

- Charter Communications 無線工程總監 Jared Ritter

搭載 NVIDIA 技術的資料科學工作站使我們的數據科學家能夠比以往更快地在大數據集上運作端到端的資料處理流程。透過 RAPIDS 將更多的數據處理流程推送至 GPU 上,減少模型開發時間,進而加速部署速度及商機洞察力。

- Lockheed Martin, Mike Koelemay

搭載 NVIDIA 技術的資料科學工作站在訓練機器人感知的深度神經網路方面,提供了重要能力。藉此,MIT FAST 實驗室能夠顯著加快訓練無人機從單個相機感知深度以及避免碰撞的能力,可以處理更大批的資訊。

- 麻省理工學院航空航天副教授 Sertac Karaman

我們擁有多元化的環境,並希望將數據科學和分析與更廣泛的技術實踐結合起來。由 NVIDIA 提供支持的數據科學工作站有望簡化這一轉變……[憑藉]精心設計的軟件和高性能硬件,它為我們的分析工作提供了 20 倍甚至更高的速度。

- Steve Walker,ARUP 高級數字工程副總監

搭載 NVIDIA 資料科學工作站的 H2O Driverless AI 平台,可幫助客戶更快地做出更佳預測,從而提高資料科學家的工作效率。藉此,我們會繼續實現 AI 民主化,並構建使 AI 更為普及的生態圈,讓所有人都能享受並使用 AI 技術 。

- H2O.ai 產品行銷副總裁 Vinod Iyengar

Now every time we look at the data, we see something new that we can take immediate advantage of. This is made possible by NVIDIA-powered AI workstations. The combination of RAPIDS and software from Datalogue and OmniSci completely changes the way we collect, process, visualize and understand data.

- Jared Ritter, Director of Wireless Engineering, Charter Communications

The NVIDIA-powered AI workstation enables our data scientists to run end-to-end data processing pipelines on large data sets faster than ever. Leveraging RAPIDS to push more of the data processing pipeline to the GPU reduces model development time which leads to faster deployment and business insights.

- Mike Koelemay, Lockheed Martin

The NVIDIA-powered AI workstation provides significant capabilities for training deep neural networks for robot perception...With it, the MIT FAST Labs’ ability to train drones to see depth and avoid collisions from a single camera was significantly accelerated because we could process larger batch sizes.

- Sertac Karaman, Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT

We have a diverse environment and are looking to couple data science and analytics to a wider range of our technical practices. The NVIDIA-powered AI workstation promises to ease the transition…[with] well-designed software and highly performant hardware it provides 20X and higher speed-ups in our analytics work.

- Steve Walker, Associate Director, ARUP, Advanced Digital Engineering

The H2O Driverless AI platform powered by NVIDIA-powered AI workstations allow customers to improve the productivity of their data scientists by making better predictions faster. Through this effort we continue to democratize AI and build the ecosystem that makes AI accessible to all.

- Vinod Iyengar, VP Product Marketing, H2O.ai

Now every time we look at the data, we see something new that we can take immediate advantage of. This is made possible by NVIDIA-powered AI workstations. The combination of RAPIDS and software from Datalogue and OmniSci completely changes the way we collect, process, visualize and understand data.

- Jared Ritter, Director of Wireless Engineering, Charter Communications

The NVIDIA-powered AI workstation enables our data scientists to run end-to-end data processing pipelines on large data sets faster than ever. Leveraging RAPIDS to push more of the data processing pipeline to the GPU reduces model development time which leads to faster deployment and business insights.

- Mike Koelemay, Lockheed Martin

The NVIDIA-powered AI workstation provides significant capabilities for training deep neural networks for robot perception...With it, the MIT FAST Labs’ ability to train drones to see depth and avoid collisions from a single camera was significantly accelerated because we could process larger batch sizes.

- Sertac Karaman, Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT

We have a diverse environment and are looking to couple data science and analytics to a wider range of our technical practices. The NVIDIA-powered AI workstation promises to ease the transition…[with] well-designed software and highly performant hardware it provides 20X and higher speed-ups in our analytics work.

- Steve Walker, Associate Director, ARUP, Advanced Digital Engineering

The H2O Driverless AI platform powered by NVIDIA-powered AI workstations allow customers to improve the productivity of their data scientists by making better predictions faster. Through this effort we continue to democratize AI and build the ecosystem that makes AI accessible to all.

- Vinod Iyengar, VP Product Marketing, H2O.ai


將最新一代專業工作站的強大功能帶入您的資料科學工作流程。這些系統皆採用最新的 NVIDIA RTX 專業 GPU、超快速 ConnectX 網路和最新一代 CPU,是運算和處理高密集型資料科學工作流程的理想平台。


將最新一代專業工作站的強大功能帶入您的資料科學工作流程。這些系統皆採用最新的 NVIDIA RTX 專業 GPU、超快速 ConnectX 網路和最新一代 CPU,是運算和處理高密集型資料科學工作流程的理想平台。


將最新一代專業工作站的強大功能帶入您的資料科學工作流程。這些系統皆採用最新的 NVIDIA RTX 專業 GPU、超快速 ConnectX 網路和最新一代 CPU,是運算和處理高密集型資料科學工作流程的理想平台。

GPU 加速軟體集大成

NVIDIA AI Workbench 是建構於 NVIDIA AI GPU 加速的 AI 平台。該平台具有 RAPIDS 資料處理和機器學習庫、NVIDIA 最佳化的 XGBoost、TensorFlow、PyTorch 和其他領先的資料科學軟體,可加速資料準備、模型訓練和資料視覺化的工作流程。

GPU 加速軟體集大成

NVIDIA AI Workbench 是建構於 NVIDIA AI GPU 加速的 AI 平台。該平台具有 RAPIDS 資料處理和機器學習庫、NVIDIA 最佳化的 XGBoost、TensorFlow、PyTorch 和其他領先的資料科學軟體,可加速資料準備、模型訓練和資料視覺化的工作流程。







透過高效能 NVIDIA RTX 和 NVIDIA Quadro RTX GPU 更快地迭代並將模型移至生產環境中。



享受 NVIDIA 開發的軟體和容器提供之支持服務,為資料科學家提供值得信賴的世界頂尖支援。

NVIDIA AI Workbench

NVIDIA AI Workbench 是一個統一、易於使用的工具包,允許開發人員在桌上型電腦或工作站上快速建立、測試和自行定義預先訓練的生成式 AI 模型和 LLM,可將其擴展到幾乎任何資料中心、公共雲或 NVIDIA DGX Cloud。簡易型用戶介面可加速 AI 項目團隊之間的協作,並簡化對如 Hugging Face、GitHub 和 NVIDIA NGC 等熱門儲存空間的使用。

NVIDIA AI Workbench

NVIDIA AI Workbench

NVIDIA AI Workbench 是一個整合且容易操作的工具包,允許開發人員在個人電腦或工作站上快速創造、測試和自定義預先訓練的生成式 AI 模型和 LLM,然後將其擴展到幾乎各種資料中心、公共雲端或 NVIDIA DGX Cloud。簡易的操作介面幫助 AI 項目團隊之間的協作,並簡化了對 Hugging Face、GitHub 和 NVIDIA NGC 等存儲庫的使用。

NVIDIA AI Workbench dramatically accelerates time to insights, enabling breakthrough data preparation, model development, and training performance on both desktop and mobile workstations. Interested in learning more? Browse through resources and materials on data science workstations in the link below.

GPU 加速軟體合作夥伴

Omni Sci


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