*此下載內容包含 NVIDIA 顯示卡驅動程式,以及額外安裝 GeForce Experience 應用程式的選項。你可以分別在 NVIDIA GeForce 軟體授權和 GeForce Experience 軟體授權中找到軟體的詳細使用資訊。
*此下載內容包含 NVIDIA 顯示卡驅動程式,以及額外安裝 GeForce Experience 應用程式的選項。你可以分別在 NVIDIA GeForce 軟體授權和 GeForce Experience 軟體授權中找到軟體的詳細使用資訊。
按一下 [Download] (下載) 按鈕,即表示你確認已閱讀並同意遵守 NVIDIA 軟體的客戶使用授權對於驅動程式使用的規定。按一下 [Download] (下載) 按鈕後,驅動程式會立即開始下載。NVIDIA 建議使用者更新至最新的驅動程式版本。
Driver Version: | TheVersion WHQL WHQL Certified
Windows Hardware Quality Labs testing or WHQL Testing is a testing process which involves running a series of tests on third-party (i.e. non-Microsoft) hardware or software, and then submitting the log files from these tests to Microsoft for review. The procedure may also include Microsoft running their own tests on a wide range of equipment, like different hardware and different Microsoft Windows editions. |
Release Date: | TheReleaseDate |
Operating System: | TheOperatingSystem |
CUDA Toolkit: | TheCudaToolkitVersion |
Language: | TheLanguage |
File Size: | TheFileSize |
自動偵測驅動程式並保持最新狀態。可擷取並分享影片、截圖和直播給好友,GeForce Experience 是 GeForce 顯示卡不可或缺的程式。
在工作時限緊迫時兼顧多個專案並與遠端工作團隊協作的同時,維持高度生產力。RTX Experience 是 NVIDIA RTX 或 NVIDIA Quadro 顯示卡的終極好搭檔。