FreeBSD Display Driver – x86 390.12 | FreeBSD x86

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*此下載內容包含 NVIDIA 顯示卡驅動程式,以及額外安裝 GeForce Experience 應用程式的選項。你可以分別在 NVIDIA GeForce 軟體授權GeForce Experience 軟體授權中找到軟體的詳細使用資訊。

*此下載內容包含 NVIDIA 顯示卡驅動程式,以及額外安裝 GeForce Experience 應用程式的選項。你可以分別在 NVIDIA GeForce 軟體授權GeForce Experience 軟體授權中找到軟體的詳細使用資訊。

按一下 [Download] (下載) 按鈕,即表示你確認已閱讀並同意遵守 NVIDIA 軟體的客戶使用授權對於驅動程式使用的規定。按一下 [Download] (下載) 按鈕後,驅動程式會立即開始下載。NVIDIA 建議使用者更新至最新的驅動程式版本。

驅動程式版本: 390.12 | BETA
發佈日期: Thu Jan 04, 2018
作業系統: FreeBSD x86
語言: Chinese (Traditional)
檔案大小: 63.86 MB

按一下 [Download] (下載) 按鈕,即表示你確認已閱讀並同意遵守 NVIDIA 軟體的客戶使用授權對於驅動程式使用的規定。按一下 [Download] (下載) 按鈕後,驅動程式會立即開始下載。NVIDIA 建議使用者更新至最新的驅動程式版本。


自動偵測驅動程式並保持最新狀態。可擷取並分享影片、截圖和直播給好友,GeForce Experience 是 GeForce 顯示卡不可或缺的程式。


在工作時限緊迫時兼顧多個專案並與遠端工作團隊協作的同時,維持高度生產力。RTX Experience 是 NVIDIA RTX 或 NVIDIA Quadro 顯示卡的終極好搭檔。

  • Added support for the following GPUs:
      GeForce GTX 1070 Ti
  • Added new application profile settings, "EGLVisibleDGPUDevices" and "EGLVisibleTegraDevices", to control which discrete and Tegra GPU devices, respectively, may be enumerated by EGL. See the "Application Profiles" appendix of the driver README for more details.
  • Updated the SLI Mosaic layout page in the nvidia-settings control panel to support topologies with up to 32 displays.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Xinerama Info from being handled properly in SLI or Base Mosaic layouts with more than 24 displays.
  • Updated the X driver's composition pipeline (used for rotation, warp and blend, transformation matrices, etc) to also support stereo.
  • Added an OpenGL stereo preview feature to the screen page in nvidia-settings.
  • Fixed a bug where GetTexSubImage() would read incorrect data into a pixel buffer object when supplied with a target of GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY and a non-zero yoffset value.
  • Added support for generic active stereo with in-band DisplayPort signaling. The X configuration option "InbandStereoSignaling" is deprecated in favor of this stereo mode. See "Appendix B. X Config Options" in the README for more information.
  • Modified the driver to avoid restoring framebuffer console modes on virtual reality head-mounted displays.



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